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The New World
If this rp is open may I join? I apologize for any obvious spelling or grammatical mistakes, I only ran this through spell check, I didn't bother re-reading.

Name: Liale (Lie-ah-leh)
Race: Satyr. A natural race of what appear to be creatures that are half human man half goat. Their torsos are human. The goat parts consist of everything form their waist and below. Depending on the satyr's race they can have horns, long pointed ears, and tufts of fur over certain areas of their human section that distinguishes them form other races of satyr.
Age: 84 (the equivalent of 18 years for a human)
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Bi, with a heavy preference for males... and nymphs... His is a switch, but often bottoms in a sexual relationship, by choice of course.
Description: His human half consists of slightly tanned skin covering a toned build that is on the lean side. All the angles of his face are sharp, except for the jaw line which is rather chiseled in appearance. His eyes are a piercing blue with a lace of bright green surrounding the iris, the effect from this is rather stunning and hypnotic, an effect, coupled with his nature magic, produces a rather desirable charisma about him that is akin to hypnosis. The medium length golden brown hair atop his head is often disheveled, but in a controlled wild sort of way rather than just out of general messiness. Two long curved dark brown horns that touch his shoulder blades when he looks up sprout from just beyond the hairline, the horns are far to blunt to tear anything, but strong enough to break someone's back if enough effort was put in. Because of his anatomy his body is resistant enough to handle high speed impacts, to prevent him form breaking anything when ramming into stuff. His ears are pulled out and stand at 5" long points parallel to his head. His bottom half, like all satyrs, consist of sturdy goat legs covered in long fur slightly darker than the color of the hair on his head. Along with the fur of his legs, he has a strip of fur growing along the underside of his forearms and a goatee on his chin of the same color as the fur of his legs.
Measurements: He stands at 5'8" normally, however if he stretched to his full height (since his knees legs are naturally bent to help support his differing structure compared to humans) he would stand at 5'11", although it is uncomfortable, upsets his balance, and is the equivalent of humans standing on their toes. His genitals are within a sheath that most furred mammals share, when erect his length can reach 6 and 1/2"
Personality: His personality is not unlike that of most satyrs, randy most of the time and great at parties. However he can almost always keep himself under control. Although he is a bit of a perv and he will almost never turn away an alcoholic beverage (wine being his favorite) he is also serious and stern when the situation calls for it. On a whole he is a rather pleasant person to be around and is very open about certain aspects of society many would rather not talk about in a public setting. Being easy to talk to serves another aspect of his personality. He is rather intelligent and great of talking himself out of things and information out of others, mainly his brilliance shines when he communicates with beings of another race, since many other satyrs are just as witty and cunning as he himself. He also very in tune with nature, and he doesn't become angry easily, instead remaining steadily calm or slightly annoyed. However, when he does actually becomes angry it is hard to hold him back, it is extremely hard to, since he takes most things in stride, but it does happen.
Biography: He grew up in a very religious sort of culture that focused on two gods. The god of revelry and the god of nature. The culture was also heavily dependent on that of nature and music related magicks so, in result, he has become talent with the pan flutes and manipulating various sources of nature to do his bidding. However as part the younger generation of satyrs he has began to doubt the validity of his entire religion and often outright denies their existence. In a fit of curiosity he had stolen and set sail on one of the navy's ships with a small band of like-minded satyrs. If their religion was true surely other cultures across the sea would know of their deities wouldn't they? Once shore had been reached the band had disbanded, each going their separate ways in search of answer. Since then Liale's faith in his religion has dropped until he only used his gods' names coupled with curses or exclamations. He has been traveling the land he had visited since then, with his almost hypnotic eyes coupled with his affinity with nature magic allow him to get nearly whatever he wanted from the average passerby, although he only used this gift when he had to.
The world is one twisted fucked up place, bring a hard hat and an open mind when you leave the safety of your house.

[Image: sigya.png]

Messages In This Thread
The New World - by Hisoka - 09-27-2011, 08:19 AM
RE: The New World - by deathseal1390 - 09-27-2011, 08:30 AM
RE: The New World - by Hisoka - 09-27-2011, 08:54 AM
RE: The New World - by deathseal1390 - 09-27-2011, 09:25 AM
RE: The New World - by Frisk E. Coyote - 09-27-2011, 03:02 PM
RE: The New World - by Jack_Pholph - 09-27-2011, 05:24 PM
RE: The New World - by deathseal1390 - 09-28-2011, 05:46 AM
RE: The New World - by Hisoka - 09-29-2011, 06:34 AM
RE: The New World - by Hisoka - 10-13-2011, 04:06 PM
RE: The New World - by Ferro Cordis - 10-24-2011, 02:49 AM
RE: The New World - by deathseal1390 - 10-24-2011, 08:03 AM
RE: The New World - by Ferro Cordis - 10-26-2011, 09:54 AM
RE: The New World - by Damien - 10-26-2011, 11:31 AM
RE: The New World - by Hisoka - 10-26-2011, 04:28 PM
RE: The New World - by Damien - 10-27-2011, 05:17 AM
RE: The New World - by Ferro Cordis - 10-27-2011, 09:18 AM
RE: The New World - by Frisk E. Coyote - 10-29-2011, 08:00 PM
RE: The New World - by Hisoka - 10-30-2011, 12:42 PM
RE: The New World - by Damien - 10-30-2011, 02:42 PM
RE: The New World - by deathseal1390 - 10-31-2011, 09:41 AM
RE: The New World - by Frisk E. Coyote - 11-02-2011, 02:03 PM
RE: The New World - by Frisk E. Coyote - 11-15-2011, 09:37 AM
RE: The New World - by Ferro Cordis - 11-15-2011, 09:55 AM
RE: The New World - by Frisk E. Coyote - 11-16-2011, 02:17 AM
RE: The New World - by Damien - 11-16-2011, 07:17 AM
RE: The New World - by Ferro Cordis - 11-16-2011, 07:32 AM
RE: The New World - by Ferro Cordis - 11-20-2011, 11:29 AM
RE: The New World - by Ferro Cordis - 01-15-2012, 05:01 PM
RE: The New World - by acejt - 01-19-2012, 05:42 AM
RE: The New World - by acejt - 01-20-2012, 01:44 AM