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Digimon Xros Wars Young Hunters Episode 1 (55)
(10-08-2011 08:08 AM)SnK Wrote: Ryouma is like a girly Kiriha MK2. And Airu's being paralleled to a character in V-Tamers.. Who was that character again?
Mari. She had a Rosemon.

Thanks to our new friends The Wild Bunch, we have the first ep.

We start with an explanation of the last ep and it's been a year since then. Taiki and an older Yuu in 8th and 7th grade, have the Street Basketball team know as Xros Heart. Also named on the team is also a 7th grade, Tagiru. He's... excitable. And he misses the dunk to hit himself on the backboard. Taiki scores the basket though.

Tagiru wakes up to being yelled at this girl Mami. She totally digs Yuu. But Tagiru reminds Taiki of Shoutmon so that's why he's still on the team. Even if he is somewhat useless. Yuu said that, not me. Anyway, now the area shook and went weird. Taiki notices and he sees the same weird shadow that popped up at the match, pops up after the area shook. Down in an alley, That one guy Ryouma the one who looks slightly like either tells Taiki that he shouldn't get involved in this loud thing that's going on. It's a hunt. And then he disappears. Taiki is confused.

We have our new Opening, and now back in the show, Tagiru is playing pinball. He wants to do better then Taiki as something, but, Yuu sneaks up and says he can't. Yuu, even though he's a great student and a sarcastic guy now, has time to play a card game with others here. Tagiru wants to play him in it but of course, but, he's 100 years too early to face him. Trope. Tagiru copies Taiki down to his goggles. And he does this because he's going to be a star. Now more shaking. So the other guy Ren, bumps into Tagiru says he's busy and makes Yuu upset at his Xros Loader. Then Tagiru chases him. Who's chasing that shadow. And now all of them are through a portal. Yuu goes to tell Taiki.

Tagiru is in some kind of area And he sees three people. Before he can say anything, he's grabbed by a thing. Which is caled Gumdramon. And now they're watching a fight. MetalTyrannomon is there and those three are about to fight him. Ryouma sends Astamon. The Demon Mob Boss. He then grabs him with his scarf, shoots him, kicks him and he falls down.
Now, Astamon hold the other Mon down for capture but they can't get it to stay still so it breaks free. Tagiru is happy, happy, happy and goes to ask the three how he can do this. The guys, much like the rest of us, think he's weird but Airu, our new girl with the upstairs gifts and the downstairs skirt tries to hot info out of Tagiru about a cute purple Digimon. He lies so she calls him useless. She has Opossummon and Ren has Dracumon. They leave.

While Gumdramon is small, he thinks Tagiru is easy to fool. And now we have this old guy with a Loader that Time Shifts Tagiru to the real world. They're in the DigiQuartz where Tagiru needs some way to get back. But if he takes the Loader the old guy with all the clocks gives him, he can't go back. Of course, he takes it which now makes it Red. The old guy has this odd form of Clockmon.

Now, we see Taiki, a group of people, and in a minute, Yuu looking at this room in a high building. MetalTyrannomon busts out being attacked by those three. And then the two see Tagiru going to the DigiQuartz. Since Tagiru can't jump or fly, Gumdramon has to carry him with his rubber hammer tail. Which, after finding the Mon of the ep eating some of the Quartz, grabs then hits said Mon with it. Gumdramon then tries a special attack but it doesn't work and his hammer tail is broke. Tagiru saves him from being eaten and they run to an alley.

Now, friendship building speech, and we have Super Evo again. The three see this then leave as we now have Arresterdramon. Anyone know who does the Evo theme? Now, our newly super evo'd hero proceeds to grab, 100 punches, then Prisim Garrett's Metal Tyrannomon. That last thing is where dragons comes out of his tail, hit the Mon, and he's on the other side. So now that the newly beaten Mon is blurring, Tagiru can capture him.

Airu is upset Gumdramon isn't hers but his evo isn't cute anyway so she doesn't have to take it for herself like Ren says she should. Ryouma is the boss here obviously. And since there's 6 humans watching this, the old man and his Clockmon also leave. As Taiki and Yuu show up, Our Glorious King, Shoutmon speaks to Taiki over the Loader. Gumdramon is scared about this.

This season/series/whatever has the old man and Clockmon doing an intro cornor and Tagiru comes out to Xros Gumdramon with the Clockmon. GumClockmon is not useful. And next time, kids are disappearing.

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RE: ~ - by --------- - 10-02-2011, 11:49 AM
RE: Digimon Xros Wars Young Hunters Episode 1 (55) - by UnknownH - 10-08-2011, 04:37 PM