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Olegmon & Apollomon = Xros Heart?
(09-08-2011 06:53 PM)Siblings4ever Wrote: That too was known. Do you know the episode when they first arrived in Bright Land? You know, the one when Apollomon became Whispered? Before that happened, Apollomon clearly stated he supports the cause of Xros Heart. Next time, pay attention to details...

He states it in the episode, yeah I remember and noticed. The problem with that is, you only know that IF YOU HAVE SEEN THE EPISODE. Thus why, to someone who hasn't seen the episode, it's a spoiler. I KNOW that Apollomon stated support for Xros Heart in the episode. But I knew it from YOUR TOPIC TITLE before I got a chance to see the episode. And how do we help prevent spoiling things for others? We post IN the episode threads for comments like "Yay they're good!" Once again it's not like your thread is contributing anything about why or how it changes things. It would be like some posting "

It would be nice for someone who doesn't have a chance every week to sit down and watch a cartoon to not have to look at spoilers. And not for anything contributing but merely a thread by some one wants to make a topic that tells that one of the major potential bad guys is an ally, label a thread as such, and the only point to the topic is to say "He's a good guy, yay!"

But ultimately, it doesn't sound like you're getting this. You have posted the Yuu is he evil topic, which has potential to engage the community a bit which is great. But you're just not getting why posting this thread, something with a spoilery title, and on top of it is a mere statement of something that happened in an episode, is pointless to have as a thread rather than keeping it among the episode comment threads made to discuss such things.

Believe in yourself! Not you who believe in me, not me, who believes in you.
Believe in you, who believes in yourself!
- Kamina of the Dai Gurren Brigade

Messages In This Thread
RE: Olegmon & Apollomon = Xros Heart - by The Reclaimer - 09-08-2011, 11:14 PM