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Digimon Xros Wars Episode 46
Glad to get this quickly.

So after Taiki's small Heroic BSOD for fighting Apollomon's evil form, Whispered, they're sent down to the Digiworld's Hell's Field. The worst part of the digiworld. The only thing that's down there is the team, and a big white castle. Which the Monitamon have already scouted out to be empty. But it has flags with the team colors in it. Why? Because Yuu planned this so they could finish the fight.

But before we get to the rules, let's break everyone's brain by having Lilithmon do something that would be edited out of any dubs.

Ok then. Everyone reboot their heads? Good. So now the rules. *ahem*

Both teams have a castle and a general.

In order to win, you have to kill the other general.

They both have armies to do this of course.

Kiriha accepts the terms for the group even though Taiki is the general. While Kiriha thinks they'll win, Yuu says he never loses. Then his hologram ends since all communication is messed up here. Kiriha's plan of course is to beat some sense into the boy. Literally of course. Nene's short skirt is worried though. So now let's check on the opponents.

In the team led by Yuu/DarkKnightmon/Damemon, we have Lillithmon and her battling bathing suit xros components, plus a crowd of Reppamon, Grizzmon, Dobermon, Setmon, and Orxymon. Now Yuu discuses his plan and we don't hear it. Also, various stage problems are Sharp needles, so hot fire, and red liquid that will dissolve a digimon instantly.

The fight starts with Knightmon and the PawnChessmon as the opening group vs. the whole of the Twilight group.
Taiki also sends out X5 and Beelzemon while Mervamon helps out too. DarkKnightmon goes to fight X5 at one of the Red Gunk fields while the two new shipped Digimon fight the Fused Lilithmon in the Fire Field. But Yuu knew this would happen.

You know, one thing about this fight is that Twilight has an upper hand with the Hell's Field adding power to the evil digimon. which helps her try to roast the new pairing of Beelzemon and Mervamon. Which he blocks with his wing and she wonders if he's ok. Of course, Blastmon also distracted him by calling him a sexy man. Which would distract any one as much as the Fused level boobies. And of course, Wisemon figured out the whole Home Field advantage as he watches with Nene back at the white castle.

Where's Kiriha? He's speeding towards the Black Castle to fight Yuu but gets stopped at a Metal Field by Whispered and Setmon. He has Cyberdramon with him. Yuu knew all this would happen so he wants to play a new game. Tsuwamon doesn't want to change back to Damemon since he's worrying about Yuu and wants to be stylish. And what is with the Subs? Every time he says English, the subs are in Japanese. Anyway Yuu being crazy, thinks this is all just a game and the metal rat on Tsuwamon can actually talk.

No one on any of the fields are going to give up of course and this upsets Yuu. Something else that upsets him is when MailBirdramon breaks through to fight. Yuu has some Gorrilamon but they just keep getting beat the frag up. Easy. But if Kiriha is fighting on the Metal Field, who's there? It's Taiki. Since they all can Xros each otehr Digimon, he brought Greymon to Xros into MetalGreymon and have Kiriha be a distraction while Nene uses X5. Everyone notices but Fused Lilithmon can't go to help since Beezlemon is not done with her yet. Also, Knightmon just cut a Grizzmon in half. But Whispered and Setmon can go help since Kiriha is much too tired to move.

Sicne Tsuwamon is fighting Metal Greymon, Taiki can get to Yuu. Who ends up slashing him with a real sword. And of course, Yuu is very dangerous now that he is Crazy Go Nuts and has a dangerous weapon with him. But that's for next week. This time, we have Armor wearing Nene and Valkrymon. Didn't we see this one before? And the next ep will be great won't it.

Messages In This Thread
Digimon Xros Wars Episode 46 - by SnK - 07-30-2011, 06:58 PM
RE: Digimon Xros Wars Episode 46 - by Darkoak8 - 07-31-2011, 09:32 AM
RE: Digimon Xros Wars Episode 46 - by SnK - 07-31-2011, 09:34 AM
RE: Digimon Xros Wars Episode 46 - by Darkoak8 - 07-31-2011, 10:31 AM
RE: Digimon Xros Wars Episode 46 - by UnknownH - 07-31-2011, 01:38 PM
RE: Digimon Xros Wars Episode 46 - by SnK - 07-31-2011, 11:54 PM
RE: Digimon Xros Wars Episode 46 - by Darkoak8 - 08-01-2011, 01:41 AM
RE: Digimon Xros Wars Episode 46 - by SnK - 08-01-2011, 08:21 AM
RE: Digimon Xros Wars Episode 46 - by Darkoak8 - 08-01-2011, 11:18 AM
RE: Digimon Xros Wars Episode 46 - by SnK - 08-01-2011, 12:35 PM
RE: Digimon Xros Wars Episode 46 - by UnknownH - 08-01-2011, 02:05 PM
RE: Digimon Xros Wars Episode 46 - by UnknownH - 08-04-2011, 02:24 PM
RE: Digimon Xros Wars Episode 46 - by SnK - 08-06-2011, 10:37 AM
RE: Digimon Xros Wars Episode 46 - by UnknownH - 08-06-2011, 01:36 PM
RE: Digimon Xros Wars Episode 46 - by SnK - 08-06-2011, 03:29 PM
RE: Digimon Xros Wars Episode 46 - by UnknownH - 08-07-2011, 01:40 PM
RE: Digimon Xros Wars Episode 46 - by UnknownH - 08-09-2011, 01:34 PM
RE: Digimon Xros Wars Episode 46 - by SnK - 08-09-2011, 10:22 PM
RE: Digimon Xros Wars Episode 46 - by UnknownH - 08-10-2011, 01:52 PM
RE: Digimon Xros Wars Episode 46 - by UnknownH - 08-15-2011, 01:33 PM