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(Zero & Maero Product) Beauties and the Beast
Sammy would blush as he was joined by Two B, moaning softly as he was embraced, blushing harder and saying nothing for a moment before nodding. It hurt to move, and he was still weak. And even then, he had been trained to let Two B have his way, and that was what he would give him, his way.


Samantha would wonder at those words and suddenly feel very sorry for the beast. "Why have you never invited others to enter your castle? One A, you seem polite and handsome enough, and fouler things have been worshiped than you. With all your skills and power, you could have attracted the company of great wizards and people. You wouldnt have needed to go through all of this."


Outside, in the stone hallway, a figure slipped out of the shadows, previously un-sensed by the beast, until now. An assassin, hired by someone to either free the two royals, or kill the beast, or both. She was elven, skilled, and deadly, holding two blades with a crossbow slung across her back, all tipped with deadly cursed poison, she slipped silently towards the beast and Samantha.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: (Zero & Maero Product) Beauties and the Beast - by Maero - 06-13-2011, 05:45 AM