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(A Silver and Zero production) Plaything
"From my understanding, you made a magical contract that forces you to do her no harm. It would not be wise to disobey such a contract. As for how to control her...I have a few things." The Shaman turned and rummaged through his things before pulling out three items. The first was an anklet. "This anklet, if you can secure it to her, will force her to obey your every order. It is a special magic however, and you must use it continuously or she may build up magical resistance. So you must give her at least three orders a day or she may be able to remove it."

The next item was a potion. "If you get her to drink this she will become addicted to the next powerful sensation she feels, from a pleasuring touch or painful blow to the taste of a particular steak or food. After she is addicted to it, she will do anything to get it, and thus you will have a vice on her. Be careful however, whatever she become addicted to will cause her to seek it out and steal it if possible. So make sure its something only you can provide or something you control enough to deny."

The last item was a a small vial with a purple liquid. "This is Entropic Poison, it is 100% deadly. If she drinks it, it will one day kill her. However," He then revealed a another vial with white liquid. "This is the cure, though it isnt really a cure. It will delay her death by one day each time she drinks it, so she will need to obey you or she will die. She would need to drink one vial of antidote each day for the rest of her life without fail. Even a single missed day will kill her."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Plaything - by Maero - 04-24-2011, 08:41 AM