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Shane/Blacklasher RP. ~World of Darkness~
Nero let out a long, rattling sigh as Jacob slipped away from him, peering through the hole with hald-closed eyes. "Naw, don't get me wrong, elements work just fine on me, and they hurt like hell. Sure, ordinary elements won't do shit to a demon, but I'm also a Dire Wolf. It's kinda like a weakness. What I meant was that drowning in my own blood, getting my flesh charred off, or splintering all the bones in my body?" He smirked back at Jacob, showing white, hungry fangs. "I can shrug that off cuz it ain't nothin' like goin' home."

"Oh hell yeah... amplify the elements with magic, and that'll REALLY hurt." The dire wolf acknowledged. "Let me make it easier for ya... if you can trap me and torture and torment me- give me enough pain to last a thousand years without killing me first, I'll die for real. Yeah..." Nero laughed. "If you try to kill me, I'll just return home, and I'll be back in a year or two. Got it? Wouldn't want you losing sleep over when I come back for ya now, would I?" He grinned back at Jacob as he saw a hint of Glen in his eyes.

He growled lowly when Jacob touched his scars. "That pisses me off. The next time something harms ya, I'll kill it and massacre it's brood. I don't care what you think about my appearance. I lived through the stigma of being the demon, I won't mind a few snide remarks about looking like I had three little pigs for breakfast!" He snarled. He didn't want anything happening to his prey that wasn't inflicted by him. And deep down, the comment about his heritage. He got enough shit for both growing up that he was used to it, but when Jacob said it for some reason, it made his blood boil, and his gut clench. "And geez, your dad's pretty fucked up if the way a demon talks reminds you of him. But the way you looked at me when you said you could harm me?" He laughed cruelly. "Your eyes reminded me of your dad's! I guess that little spark runs in the family, huh? You are truly the most interesting prey I've had."
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
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RE: Shane/Blacklasher RP. ~World of Darkness~ - by Frisk E. Coyote - 04-05-2011, 08:53 AM