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Shane/Blacklasher RP. ~World of Darkness~

"Geez runt, you okay?" The raised his paws and cocked one of his ears, trying not to sound too concerned. "I got this... vision... where Prof. Darkeye came at me with this sword and ordered me to die. I guess he was gonna kill me, not that there's anything unusual about that..." He grumbled. He had had attempts on his life before. It is said that killing a demon would earn one unnatural fortune and success, and some even say that you get three wishes. Nero firmly believed that all those who assumed those myths to be true were all mentally handicapped in some way or form. "-and that gives me shivers, the good kind, strangely enough. Like I want him to bring it on. He's definitely gonna kill you though, or knock you out, I dunno- and Satan's BEARD, that bitch I once banged is in league with him!" He growled. It wasn't very accurate to say that he was the one doing the banging though.

"No." Nero stated simply, and covered his ears. "Prof. Glen Darkeye does not do that stuff. I refuse to believe it and I am willing to deny everything you just said. Lalalala- no mental image whatsoever!" He added childishly. It was just- so hard- to imagine Prof. Darkeye- with his dignified, graceful, and proper personality- save for the whole Fae Supremacy and world domination thing- to be doing things like beating off. It was perfectly normal for demons- and teenagers for that matter- to jerk off, but Glen was a respectable older guy who could probably have any girl he wanted without having to resort to rape. Now that he had shut his eyes and covered his ears though, the faint smell of Fae blood became more focused to him... and he couldn't help but open his eyes, the pupils of which were now predatory black slits within bloody red orbs.

Fae was his favorite flavor of meat, as he was reminded again.

"Okay- so I didn't kill you back then- big deal- maybe I just didn't feel like it..." He huffed, eyes half closed his breaths sped up a little, like he was in some sort of euphoric stupor. "Maybe I was saving you for later?"

He sighed when Jacob had told him he considered him a friend, disregarding his brash and aggressive attitude and paying more heed to the few little mercies and kind moments he had showed, having flashed a bit of his true colors to the younger male. His mind was feeling cloudy, and his mouth was watering from the scent of Fae blood, but all Jacob's words had reached him, and Nero couldn't find it in himself to pretend to be offended or apathetic toward it like he normally did. Mere words made him a little... happy, it seems.

"Yeah... yeah... c'mere..." He reached for Jacob's wrist and tugged him closer, "Lemme look at your head, runt. You're bleedin' a little." He grumbled, snuffling through the halfbreed's hair with his nosepad. He smelled... nice, actually, clean, a little sweet, a little earthy, but most of all, magical and delicious. There was a hint of witch and human in mixed in with fae, and it was the most attractive, most exotic thing he had ever smelled. He gave the little bump on his head a tiny lick to clean it, and decided that Jacob was from that moment on, his frien- er- his. Just his. Period.

"I had a lot on my mind back then alright," He confirmed. "Now here's one for yours- you'd better take care yourself, or I'm gonna find ya', and do it myself. You taste good, so I've decided you're my food now- and food tastes better live- so- so you'd better not die and stuff!" He raised a fist threateningly. "No one is supposed to kill or eat you but me! G-got that?" He snuffed, and turned his back on Jacob again, trying to keep his demonic nature in check. He wanted to kill and eat- or eat and kill- or rape- either of the above, in any order- Jacob M. Thomas. Right now. But like Jacob had said... he could fight his nature, and he chose not to give in. Like he could eat someone who just called him a friend anyway... the only other person who drove him to be pathologically insecure about his feelings like this was his elf friend, Mian, who neither feared nor hated him.

"Glen won't kill you. I'll watch your back. Cuz you're my prey."
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
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RE: Shane/Blacklasher RP. ~World of Darkness~ - by Frisk E. Coyote - 03-23-2011, 01:57 PM