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Shane/Blacklasher RP. ~World of Darkness~
Character Sheets:

Name: Nero "Boner" Savagebone

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Grade: Senior

Orientation: Omnisexual. He doesn't really care. He's known to "Try anything once", and has even started accepting challenges back in his sophomore year, none of which he's lost yet.

Species: Demon

Sub-Species: Great Dire Wolf

Physical Description:
Word Description: Nero stands at 6'10 feet, weighing over 250 pounds of pure muscle and bone. His wings are retractable, though he rarely retracts them, preferring instead to hook the 'claws' on the joints together just over his collarbone, wearing his wings like some sort of cape. He's always shirtless, wears various shorts and pants and never wears shoes. When his wings are retracted, he wears either a denim or leather jacket, or a simple black longcoat. He has numerous, deep laceration scars all over his back that he doesn't seem to like revealing. His blood red eyes can lighten or darken depending on his emotional state, and glows bright crimson when he's excited. Wingspan is 4'0ft each. He's well built, with a sturdy, muscular frame, but his thick, soft fur hides a lot of the details. He doesn't like his tail, which is considered 'cute', due it its large and fluffy appearance, which tarnishes his otherwise 'tough' reputation.

Powers: Being one of the greater sub-demon races, Nero is inhumanely (not inhumanly, inhumanely) powerful, gifted with insane speed, strength, reflexes and demonic regeneration. He constantly exudes a natural aura of 'Friendly Killing Intent', thus striking fear into the hearts of those who are either weaker than him, aren't used to him, or simply don't know him. But his true powers manifest themselves in his control and manipulation of darkness and shadows, as well as his own bones, which he can shape, produce and strengthen, which he can then rip out of his body in the form of crude weapons. His heritage grants him a greater intelligence than he lets on, as well as a bit of knowledge and capability with Demonic Lore (Demon Magic). His powerful wings allow him to fly and glide.

Personality: Nero is somewhat of a bully; Loud, violent, often cocky, but that's simply his nature, the way he was born. He is the leader of a gang of sub-demons, leading with ruthlessness and dominance. He does what he wants as its his nature to disregard rules, and is painfully stubborn. A hothead. He takes joy in tormenting the people beneath his grade, especially other guys. Despite all this, deep down, he's a real softy, and is quite loyal and friendly to his peers, as well as respectful to superiors. He acts like he doesn't care simply to hide his own vulnerabilities. He's also rather 'affectionate', and is quite straightforward. This, accompanied by his bone manipulating abilities and surname earned him the nickname "Boner", which he absolutely dislikes. He's quite playful.

Small History: Nero wasn't always a bully. When he was a freshman, he was among the friendliest and helpful of the sub-demons. Till he turned 16, where he was taken in the middle of the school-year by his mother, never to come back or show his face again until his sophomore year. He was a completely different person then, and refuses to divulge anything of what happened to him, answering questions with violence, often so brutal that he nearly vanquished fellow schoolmates, and faced expulsion. He managed to keep his anger under bounds, so he was allowed to stay. Needless to say, he loves the school more than he hates what happened to him.


Name: Chompenrau "Chomp" Schwarzwald

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Grade: Sophomore

Orientation: Heavily Closeted Bisexual. (Due to fear of losing what little 'friends' he has.)

Species: Creature of the Void

Sub-Species: Voidwufr

Physical Description:
Word Description: Stands at about 6'5ft, with smooth, shaggy black and tan fur with green stripes. The stripes glow when he enters a strong emotional state. He has deep, sincere blue eyes with almost feline slits for pupils. He has an athlete's or a swimmer's build at best, and sports six-pack abs underneath his fur. As for clothes, he was made to dress like a human would, normally wearing sleeveless shirts and shorts for the comfort. He also wears a special collar that restricts his powers to only spatial awareness and spatial manipulation and control.

Powers: As the darkest kind of Faebeast, he's naturally stronger and faster than regular faes, with a greater regeneration. As a Voidwufr, Chomp is able to "devour" things by opening and snapping his jaws shut (Chomping), whether from up close, or from a distance. The size of his chomps range from the smallest being the size of a penny, and the largest thing he can devour in one chomp is about the average size of a large military tank. When size of something he tries to chomp exceeds his size limit, it a "bite mark" hole the size of his limit is taken from the target instead. He's quite accurate at aiming these 'chomps' from up to 250 meters. His more fearful ability involves his front splitting from his throat down to just above his pubic region, opening into a gruesome mouth with his ribs for fangs. Instead of his entrails, total darkness resides within him, along with three massive tongues, and a vertical eye within his chest cavity. He is capable of "Chomping" everything within that eye's range of vision. He binds himself so he can't do that. Everything he "Chomps" is sent to a limitless, timeless void within himself. He can "spit" them all back out in the state they were in when they were first chomped. His third ability is spatial manipulation and awareness.

Personality: Timid, self-conscious, he tends to put himself down a lot, and is mostly quiet and soft-spoken, only speaking if he's addressed or spoken to. He respects figures of authority, and is somewhat of a coward in his own right. He is however, very kind and nice, and despite hating himself and his abilities, he will try his best to be friendly. Is also quite shy and modest, avoiding sexual topics and contact as it makes him blush. He's as pure as virgins get, having never even touched himself. He tries his best to get along with those very different from himself, as he's a 'Creature of the Void', the darkest and most misunderstood specie of Faebeast, and is the first ever of his kind to be accepted in this kind of school. He was told to try and make as many friends as possible, the more diverse, the better. There were consequences for failing.

Small History: Considered a 'runt' among his kind, he was the first Voidwufr, or Creature of the Void for that matter to be accepted into Hell High. The moment he turned 16, his powers ran wilder than any pubescent of his race ever had, and he had to have them bound. Along with being bound, his body became unstable, and he grew hungrier and hungrier by the day. However, he was forbidden to eat anything as doing so would add things to his stomach, which was a pit of pure void magic, and should anything short of natural fluids were to be ingested, there would be a violent magical backlash, leading to his death. He was to fast for one whole year, and without his powers, he was an outcast, unfit to survive the true Void where he was born. This lack of power however was all it took to accepted into Hell High, now that he was a lot less unpredictable or dangerous. He was given one mission: Show them that even the Darkest of Faebeasts had decency within them so as to end the misunderstanding, so the others would be able to leave the dreaded Pit of Void.


The demonic beast was unpacking his stuff from his rucksack, which churned out things like huge barbels, chains, books, and parts of a bookcase that he was now putting together piece by piece. By simple deduction, it was obvious that Nero's baggage was nothing less than enchanted. He had made a lot more noise than he anticipated when he hammered the pieces in place with his fist, so he hoped he didn't disturb his host, Prof. Darkeye.

He got up and stretched his powerful body, his wings spreading out as his joints popped. Unpacking was reeeally boring, and his wings were getting in the way. He looked around, making sure it was safe, and retracted them back into his shoulder blades, exposing his heavily scarred back. He had his privacy at least, and now he could start putting his books in the case.
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
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RE: Shane/Blacklasher RP. ~World of Darkness~ - by Frisk E. Coyote - 03-22-2011, 09:27 AM