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Data and Matter (Damien and Psyco)
"Yeah... that'd be bad." Carter cringed at the thought. He didn't like blood very much. "Well, do you have spit? I'm sure that's just as much proof as blood is!" He said. He watched Larrin walk around curiously, and seeing him reach for the doorknob, he panicked and flung himself at the door. "NO!! Wait- sorry-" He sighed in relief. "-You can't leave my room-" He pressed his ear against the door, and heard the sound of vacuuming. "-At least not yet."

Carter moved away from the door and slumped back down on his chair, blowing some of his hair away from his eyes. "Our anti-virus program... he's a little... how do I say this nicely? Enthusiastic? No- eccentric? Crazy, yeah, crazy. That's the word..." He grimaced. "I'm not supposed to... bring stuff home anymore."

- - - - - - - - -

"Dooon't worry Mr. Mark, I don't have to trace him!" Shadowfox snickered, his sunnies flashing with green binary code again, indicating that he was browsing. "Ruh-roh! NC-18 content! Choose to go in or leave?"

"SWEET!" Syntax practically roared, and galloped ahead, practically smashing through the doors- that is- if they hadn't been automatic.
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
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Messages In This Thread
Data and Matter (Damien and Psyco) - by Damien - 03-02-2011, 09:48 AM
RE: Data and Matter (Damien and Psyco) - by Frisk E. Coyote - 03-18-2011, 12:41 PM