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Data and Matter (Damien and Psyco)
Mark frowned as the sound of static grew so loud it cut into his train of thought. His eyes followed the sound until he noticed the fox program. Why did it look so familiar. "That's because you you landed in a trash heap..." he said slowly holding out his hand for the other. "You must have locked onto my signal... unfortunately for you... with the trash and all..."

- - - - - - - - -

A loud screeching sound emitted from Carter's speakers, before it suddenly stopped and text began typing up on the screen.

Please insert cyberspace connection software.

- - - - - - - - -

Larrin hissed slightly, tapping his foot. He has been trying to get to the 'real world' for several days now. But he needed access to someone's cyberspace 'gateway'. However, since he would have to take control of the person's computer for a brief moment of time many anti-virus programs chased him off, thinking he was a threat. "Carter... come on... connect the damn device..." he just hoped this teenager didn't have any anti-virus programs installed, however he doubted it because he was accessing a computer in a cyber cafe.
The world is one twisted fucked up place, bring a hard hat and an open mind when you leave the safety of your house.

[Image: sigya.png]

Messages In This Thread
Data and Matter (Damien and Psyco) - by Damien - 03-02-2011, 09:48 AM
RE: Data and Matter (Damien and Psyco) - by Damien - 03-08-2011, 11:45 AM