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Steam World (A Crimson & Tigerlily RP)
Livian started to dream again. This time she imagines herself as a little girl, finding she is in her bedroom. She crawl out of the bed and through the hall to knock on her parent's door. There were a couple of her grumbling noise from her father. Her mother's voice fairly faint for her to hear. The door opened for her. Standing at the door was a huge black fur dragon. His dark raven wings, and long blonde ponytail hair, and his sharp blue eyes gave him the menacing look. His face soften to see his young daughter. He didn't wore any clothing but a blanket wrapped around his waist.

"Hey, you have the nightmare again?" Kaze's smiled at Livian. Plucking her off the floor so she can rest on his bulky shoulders. The young princess nodded wiping the tears off her eyes. "Those pesky dark horses sure love to haunt you during your sleep huh?" she became quiet. She haven't seem them around. So why quickly assume it was them.

"I don't believe they exist..."

"Well why are they called your dream nightmares?" her father questioned her. "Just because you couldn't see them. Doesn't mean they don't exist. And they will come even when your a adult."

Livian frowned. "I wish they leave me alone..."

"Welp, you got me princess. And I'll scare them away for you! How about that?" Kaze exclaimed, and that made her brighten up. "No many how many nightmares you can come to your papa."

"Kaze..." Linvar sadly shook her head.

"Well, when you grown up. I'll teach you how to get rid of them." Kaze added. "But now your lucky your father is going to keep watching over until you fall asleep nice and sound. Okay?"

"Promise you wouldn't leave until I sleep?"

"I will. If I do, then I am really am a monster." Kaze tickled her to the side. Causing her to laugh.

"Maybe someday...I'll find a prince that'll watch over me too and is handsome and strong like papa." Livian said.

"Yeah...don't wish that too much...or I'll really act like a monster." making the three laugh.

Livian did felt better, having somebody at her side. Getting rid of the nightmares away. Funny she is grown up. And his father did tried his best to get rid of them, but he isn't always going to be there. The nightmares are just doing their job her parents would always say. But do they always have to make it seemed so frightful, sad, depressing?


The gunslinger smiled at the large cock infront of her. Her fingers stroking at his sides, her long canine tongue licked the head, and her breasts leaning in to have it between her large soft mounds.
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RE: Steam World (A Crimson & Tigerlily RP) - by tigerlily - 03-05-2011, 09:16 AM