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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
"Look, allow me to go and seek them out. If I find nothing, then there is nothing to worry about and I will stop arguing for battle. But if I do, please, you must give them a chance. I will do anything for this one chance...Besides, we cannot judge an entire race by the actions of some. I am an elf, and humanity hurt my race. I should hate them. But I knew that not all humans were evil. Jowan, my friend taught me that, as did you, Alistair. Please, my Lord, you are like a brother to me. All I ask for is a chance. Nothing more. Just one chance...Please," he begged.



Biyomon was looking at her human hands. Now that she was out of her ecstasy, she was curious to how her body could have changed so much. She tried to do some of her attacks on the wall, with no success. She kept trying though, mostly to keep her mind off of Sora, Erusemon, and the last few hours of her life....

Sora was fast asleep, the spot between her legs wet as she was having a wet dream. In her dream, Biyomon and her were hand in hand, having just been married. As they arrived at their new home, they would find Erusemon and the three would have a wonderful threesome.

Lilymon was trying much harder to escape, not believing what she had just did. She paced around her cell, analyzing the walls. Punching and kicking them and trying to use her powers to free herself and save Mimi.

Angewomon and Kairi were snuggling together. Kairi was rubbing her knee against the older woman's cunt, both of them dreaming of making love to each other, lost to pleasure and accepting of their new slavery.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.

Messages In This Thread
RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Animators! - by MasterZero - 02-20-2011, 01:47 PM