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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
"I-Im scared...Im so scared..." She whimpered as she slowly reached out to take his hand. She then gently took it, an screamed so loud it would have brought the others running fully armed if they had been able to hear it. She knew the feeling of being tampered with, and felt as he grasped the last thing that was really hers, the last part of her that kept her succumbing to her programing, and replaced it. "Nooo!" she cried out in despair as the last shred of what was really her was lost or made dormant. Now there was nothing left to hide behind.

Then he saw the world throug her eyes, and would realize how brave she had really been. Everything was terrifying, everything wanted to kill him, make him suffer, everything, even his own skin! He would feel the blood pumping through him and be frightened by it, and then even more horror would arise when he realized that he had nowhere he could hide from everything...except in nothing.

His heart would beat a million miles an hour and unless he stopped himself, Alex would seek to kill himself automatically as his mind tried to escape the terror of existence. The horror this elf had faced was beyond words, and now Alex felt as she did every second of every day of her life.

When he came out of it, in whatever condition he did, he would find her snuggled into his chest, panting softly as she gently kissed his neck. "Master..." She purred softly, pressing herself against hm more, wanting to please him, wanting punishment, wanting everything that had previously been programed into her.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Animators! - by Maero - 02-11-2011, 07:12 AM