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The Cross Deception (Cross-dressing)
All right, so I'm back with some more writing. This time, it's a series on a boy who decides to pull a prank on some kids by dressing as a girl. But instead of pranking someone, he finds out more about himself, and others than he ever knew.

There will be yiffiness later on, so please be patient. I will probably censor the yiff so those who want to, can continue reading, and pretending this is some awesome soap opera/drama unfolding whose rating is PG XD

so yeah, please enjoy, and if you have any comments, please speak your mind.

I have both chapter one and two posted together for your enjoyment.

"So... Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"Of course it is! Now hold still..."

"I dunno, this is like, really really weird."

"Oh, quit bitchin'. We aren't even finished yet, and you're already acting the part."

"Hey, this isn't your pride on the line, here-"

"There, all done! Now put these on!"

"Wait- why do I have to put a thong on?!"

"Because, you're gonna wear a skirt, and a big plus- guys love thongs."

Chapter 1 Lovely boy

So let me tell you a little about myself. I was never always a girl before- or at least, thats the closest thing I can relate myself to. I was once a boy, you know.

Anyways, my life took a sharp left turn once, when I was a teen. What started out as a little prank to entertain me and my best friend suddenly became a major turning point in my life. Up until then, if you had told me that I would have become the person I am today, I probably would have looked at you crazy.

All in all, though, I am glad things happened the way they did. I wouldn't have wanted to change any of it. I'm proud of my choices, I have no regrets. So here's my life story, every single bit of it, including all the smutty stuff you perves are all probably dying to hear. It all started during summer break. I had just graduated from middle school, no talents or anything special that made me stand out, except for my white, glistening dragon-scales. I did, however, manage to net myself the infamous nick-name "Snowy".

So there I was one summer afternoon laying on my bed in just a pair of boxers, staring at the ceiling very much like a zombie. I think I was trying to draw mental pictures out of the textures on the ceiling. I laid there for about 10 minutes, going over what I did over the last few days. School had just ended two weeks prior, and sofar this summer was pretty lame. I mean sure, I managed to beat Fatal Fantasy 9. and 12 in just about a week, and yeah me and a few friends had gone to thrillzone, the local theme park, twice in a row yet still this summer felt... LAME. All of a sudden, my cell-phone went off on the nightstand next to me, startling me for a moment. I reached for it rather lazily, letting it ring just once more before I answered it. "Hello?" I asked, in a rather higher-than-usual-for-my-age voice. For only being thirteen, I must've either hit puberty late, or the testosterone fairy never payed me a visit, since I had yet to notice anything different about myself. But anyways, back to the phone call. My Girl friend- or best friend... a friend who happens to be a girl, whatever, happened to call me.

"Hey Anzel, you said you were gonna come over today for movie night!" she stated, her tone somewhat fierce, but not demanding. Her voice rang in my ear for a moment, as I tried to recall our earlier engagement.

"Oh, yeah" I muttered, as I blinked for a few moments. She had asked me yesterday to come over, since her mom managed to rent some scary movie for her to watch, but she wanted me to watch it with her. Unfortunately, at the time I was over at a friend’s B-day party, so I had asked if we could watch it tomorrow. I guess she never forgot about it.

"Well?" she said, bringing me back to our conversation. "It's 2pm! and you're still at home, probably jerking off to porn again!" Oi... it was just that one time, she walked in on me, as I was ahem, "browsing" through the net.

"I told you, Jazz, that was the ONLY time I looked, I swear! Anyways, the movie isn't until tonight, right?"

"Yeah, but we still have to make popcorn, and other snacks."

"All right, all right, I'll head over soon."

"Now, Anzel, c'mon!"

"'Kay I'm getting ready then. Bye"

"Buh-bye!" she said rather energetically. She was always happy whenever she managed to win it her way.

I sighed, as I put my cell-phone down. There was never any winning against her. She's the kind of person who is stubborn half of the time, yet the other half she's an awesome friend who's got your back no matter what. I passed over to my dresser, to get a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I was small, and scrawny, Only 5'0 tall, which was obviously short for a guy my age. I lifted my arms slightly and twirled lazily, amused by how my scales shone in the afternoon sunlight like platinum. I took a look at my back, which was still bare. Not a good sign. Most dragons grew their wings after they hit puberty. For those who already had their own set of wings, it meant that they were "mature" enough to make their own decisions. I had yet to grow mine, I mean I haven't even seen the "knubs" for my wing joints grow in yet. Oh well, I sighed, as I finished turning, and stared once again at my front. Better get dressed now, before Jasmine calls me again. Sure enough, halfway through getting dressed, my phone was bombarded by calls and texts from her. I ignored every single one of them.

"SNOOOWY!" Jasmine shrieked, as her foxy self bum-rushed out of her front door, tackling me with enough force that I toppled over my bike, and bumped my head on the back tire. She apologized, though, after rubbing my head a little. Suffice to say, I made it all the way to the rest of her house without any other harm, which was a record. "Anzy, didn't you get my message?" she asked me, as I closed the door to her pink and frilly room.

"No, I didn't." I said, as I looked around. I hadn't been inside her room since spring break. She looked at me crazy for a moment.

"Oh, you're hopeless..." she mumbled, as she shook her head. "I asked if you could bring an extra pillow, and blanket. All of ours are being washed, so I don't have an extra set for you."

"Oh, uhh... your mom still cool with me spending the night with you?" I asked. I had slept over at her house many times before, since before we were in kindergarten. Yeah, I know, that's kinda weird, but when her mom used to babysit me, I kinda got used to it.

"Of course, she's okay with it. Besides, considering your luck streak, I'm sure you just might hook up with my pillow for a one-night stand." She joked.

"Yeah, hardy har harr... When are you gonna redecorate? 'cuz aren't you like 300 years too old to be having this kinda decor?" Not really, but I couldn't help taking a jab at her myself.

"I'm barely any older than you." she grumbled, as she tossed herself onto her plush bed. "I dunno when I will change it, though... I'm too lazy to change anything."

"Eh, maybe one day, right?" I said, as I sat down next to her bed, and swatted at her fluffy tail. She tucked it around her dexterously after a few swats. We sat in silence for a moment, as I waited for a response from her, but after the moment seemed to draw out for far too long, I spoke up again. "So, should we prep for the movie?"

Jasmine cursed, as we sat in silence in her room once again. We had spent an hour or so prepping food for the movie. Once we had everything set up, we were ultimately disappointed, once we attempted to turn the DVD player on. Unfortunately, the DVD player had chosen today of all days to kick the bucket on us. We had to spend the rest of the afternoon on into the evening eating snacks, with no movie to accompany them. Once again, another boring afternoon to strike out my summer. "Oh well," I muttered, "Guess the movie wasn't supposed to be."

"Ehh..." she sighed, as she pulled out the latest copy of the "teen" newspaper. It was actually made by the same group of kids that worked on the school newspaper during the school year, except instead of focusing on school projects and things, the summer paper was focused on what big events were going on to keep all the school students up to date on everything. I didn't really pay attention to that kind of "news" because all it was really made for was an excuse for older teens to throw wild parties, and invite the whole neighborhood.

I pulled out Jasmines laptop, and quickly logged into one of my favorite browsing games. I immediately began to slay hundreds of cyber-orcs using my gigantic sword with just a push of the button. Jasmine quickly piped up, as she hopped out of bed. "Hey! I found something! Looks like that retro diner off Miliken blvd. is throwing a small '80's-inspired teen-night! We could go there y'know!"

"Ehh, I'm not into dancing, and the 80's Jazz..." I said, as I killed a few more orcs.

She gave me her worst (or should I say her best?) pouty face, as she closed her laptop on me. "No fair. You get to play your games to entertain yourself, yet when I ask you to spend one evening with me, you won't even come with me so I can enjoy myself, too?" she said, with her paws firmly on her hips.

I sat in silence for a moment. I guess it couldn't hurt to go, especially since I haven't hung with her all summer, and our original plan was shot to the ground. "Okay, I'll go. But please, let's not stay there all night, okay?" I said, tossing her a friendly smile, before quickly adding, "You know I'll get bored, and I'll probably get too whiny for you."

"Sure" she agreed, clutching the newspaper in paw, as she looked at me for a moment. It was kind of awkward, as she continued to stare, before a grin slowly spread across her face. I was about to ask her what was up, before she spoke up. "Hey, Anzel.... you like pranks, right?"

Her question caught me off guard for a moment. "Uh, yeah, they can be fun why?"

A wicked smile crossed her face, as one of her arms slid to her side. She looked me up and down for a moment, before continuing. "I kinda have an idea, a bit of a crazy one though. We should play a trick on some of the guys who show up."

"Okay? how're we gonna do that?" I asked skeptically. I figured she was up to no good, but I was curious. Her plans were down-right far-fetched, but were absolutely hysterical.

"Easy. We're gonna get you a disguise, and trick a guy into thinking you're someone else." she said rather deviously.I was confused, I wasn't sure where she was going with this idea. "I don't get it. Why do I need a disguise, and who do I have to look like."

"Jeeze Anzel, that's why it's a prank... we're gonna trick them, and I've got an awesome idea for how we're gonna do it!" she stated, as she unfolded the magazine, and showed me the section about the dance. The picture for the section was this 80's chick wearing a studded suit, and a whole bunch of make-up. "The 80’s were all about androgyny- looking like a boy and girl! We’re gonna dress you like a girl, and trick some guys into believing you are!" She was smiling the whole time, as she jabbed at the image. Now I wasn't sure if that was a guy, or a girl in the photo. The person’s neck did seem kinda big for a girl.

I looked at her crazily for a moment. I was... speechless. Of all the crazy ideas she had, this one takes the cake. No way was she gonna put a dress on me! No way in hell! She continued to look at me, as her smiled waned for a moment. She knew I wasn't gonna do it, but at that exact same moment, her eye sparkled. She was up to something devious. "I know, I know, this is a crazy idea. But if you do it, I promise- I PINKY promise I'll buy you that game you wanted, Fatal Fantasy XIII" she offered, as she extended her paw towards me, pinky out. Argh, she got me. I whined inside, because I really wanted that game, but it was too expensive and my mom wouldn't buy it for me. Unless I went along with it, I'd never play that game ever. Oh, what the hell, I figure I'll go along, and get it over with. It's only going to be one night.

I took her pinky in mine, and we swore to the deal. "All right, Jazz, but how are we gonna make me look like a girl? I don't have any clothes..."

She smiled, as she trotted off to her closet, and slid the doors apart. "That's not a problem! I have some clothes I could lend you. You still a size Small?" she asked me, as she began rifling through her closet.

I sighed softly as I nodded. "Yeah, I do."

"Good!" she smiled, as she began taking out several pieces, laying them out side by side on her bed. "These should fit you no problem." she said, as she headed out the door. She came back into her room holding an entire makeup kit. "Okay now! We gotta decide if we should make you a nice, sweet girl, or a fierce, naughty girl?"

"Uhm..." I stuttered nervously. "I think I should stick with nice girl. Too slutty, and I might get more than I bargained for..."

"Aww, but that's the point! You WANT to get their attention! You want to rile up their hormones, drive 'em crazy and make them want you." she countered. "Besides, the nice girls don't get any dick anyways."

"Yeah, but I already have one, and one's enough for me." I gulped. Jeeze, I thought she was a more modest girl. I'm starting to doubt she's a virgin anymore.

"Whatever then, means more attention for me." She muttered, as she reached for my shirt, and pulled it over my head, without my consent. "Now, then..." she said, as she rummaged through her make-up utensils. She pulled out a long ebony pencil, and shuffled her way towards me. "Open your eyes as wide as you can, try not to blink or anything, 'cuz this eyeliner will sting if it gets in your eye." she instructed. I did as she said, and opened my eye wide. She brought a lamp close to me, tilting it towards my face as much as possible. I shivered nervously, as she placed one paw against my face, mostly to brace my eye-lid open, while she brought the pencil up to my eye-lid. On reflex my eye attempted to close, but her paw held it open. "Ah, ah... I said to keep it open" she said rather calmly, as she continued to apply the eyeliner. I groaned inside a little, as I felt the make-up cake the outline of my eyes. She finished that eye, and quickly hopped to the other eye. "Now don't rub it off, okay? let it sit for a moment, and you'll get used to it." ugh, easy for her to say, I was resisting the urge to wipe it all off. It felt like my eyelids were sticking. Soon enough, she finished the other eye. I stood up to head to the mirror to see, but she kept her paw on my shoulder forcing me down. "You'll see when I’m finished."

She put the pencil away, and pulled out a plastic case, and pulled out a small brush. "And now you'll close your eyes. Good, smooth your brow for me, like you're relaxing your face. there we go." and she started applying something to my eyelids. I guess it was eye shadow. all I know is that I felt weird, just sitting there, letting her apply makeup all over me, knowing she was transforming me into a girl. Now I know how Cinderella felt, before the ball. Nervous, and sick to the stomach on what the guys would think of her metamorphosis. Soon afterwards, she finished applying the eye shadow, and moved onto a nice blush for my cheek-scales. After what felt like half an hour, my face was caked in make-up. "Now for the finishing touch~!" she said, as she looked through her makeup, and pulled out a couple of lipstick capsules. "Hmm... Luscious Red? Pretty Pink... or, oh! Deep Purple!" she said rather ecstatically, as she quickly, but accurately smeared the lipstick across my lips. I groaned inside. I knew I must look like a clown by now. She finished, replacing the lid on the capsule, and tossing it back into her box, as she took a few steps back and looked at me.

"Hmm... Awwww.... you look so pretty!" she gasped, as she helped me up off the floor. I rushed to the mirror, both dreading yet curious to know the result of my transformation. Soon as I rushed into the bathroom, I froze, unable to find words to express how I felt. I saw the prettiest girl I had ever seen in my life, yet it didn't feel like a surge of emotion, or even hormones. I felt as if I had suddenly found a long lost sister. My sister stared at me, her lovely lips parted slowly. She looked confused, yet somewhat happy. She smiled at me softly, as I reached a hand for her, and she reach back. Our fingers collided against the cold glass, a barrier forever separating us from each other. I turned away, before I could cry, before my tears had a chance to ruin the illusion. Slowly I headed back into her room, and smiled at her.

"I look beautiful." was all I could say, before she nodded at me, smiling as well.

"Yes, hon. You look gorgeous! Wait until we get you fully dressed and no-one would ever guess you're a guy!" With her last words, I felt an odd shock, as my momentary delusion wore off. I was still a guy in makeup. That still hadn't changed.

“Right….” I sighed. She began pulling up different shirts, and holding them against my chest. She hummed to herself, keeping whatever silent opinion she had to herself, until she found a shirt she obviously liked.

“This shirt definitely looks good on you! It’s a deep-V neck, so it’ll show some of your chest. We’ll have to put a bra on you, and stuff it with some socks to give you “boobies”, so the guys’ll have something to stare at.” She said with confidence, as she pulled out a few bras. “Oh, don’t worry, these are clean.” She said, as she noted my baffled look.

“But still, Jazz, a bra?” I complained, as she lifted my arms, and slid the bra on me, and deftly strapped it on me. It felt very embarrassing, yet oddly comforting to have the bra on, like being hugged by a stuffed animal.

“Yeah, how else are we gonna get “boobies” to stay in place on you?” she stuffed a pair of socks into both bra cups, and began “perking” them up. I couldn’t help but stare at her own boobs. I mean, sure she had hit puberty a while back, and she had developed a decent set of boobs for her age. But the socks she stuffed my bra with were bigger than hers. Before I could get another look, she shoved the shirt over me. Once I managed to adjust both bra and shirt to align more symmetrically, I looked down into the gap the shirt had. It looked like I had cleavage, but a closer look, and one would be able to see the socks. I lifted the shirt higher to mask the deception a little better.

Meanwhile, Jazz had managed to find a brush to comb my hair. She had mentioned she was gonna style it, to make it look more feminine. “So…” I began, as she started to put a few hairpins here and there. “Are you sure this is a good idea?” I asked, wincing every time she poked me with one of the bobby pins.

“Of course it is!” she assured me, as she pulled out a small, fake flower, “Now hold still.” She began to place the flower into my hair, attaching it via hairpins and clips.

“I dunno, this is like, really really weird.” I muttered. I was beginning to have doubts about the whole idea. I almost regretted going along with it. I was shifting nervously, as she continued to do my hair. I felt almost sick, and nauseous.

“Oh, quit bitchin’. We aren’t even finished yet, and you’re acting the part.”

“Hey, this isn’t your pride on the line here-“ I was about to retort, when she stood up, and beamed at me.

“There, All done!” she said, as she rushed towards her dresser, and pulled something out. “Now put these on!” She tossed a thong into my lap, as she closed her drawer.

“Wait- why do I have to put a thong on?!” I groaned, as I lifted it up to get a better view of it. I mean, the idea that I’d have to wear a thong seemed kind of degrading, but these were still Jazz’s panties.

“Because,” she began, as she went to her bed, and lifted a black-and-white plaid skirt. “You’re gonna wear a skirt, and a big plus- guys love thongs.” She stated, as she offered me the skirt. “So go ahead, and get dressed.

“Okay” I muttered embarrassedly, as I took both articles, and headed to the restroom. I quickly took off both my pants, and boxers off, and stood in the middle of the bathroom naked from the waist down. I took one awkward breath, as I slipped one leg through the thong leg-hole, and my other leg through the next. I left the there between my shins, as I stood there, bent over. Suddenly, I heard the bathroom door creak open, and I jumped quickly into the shower stall, and covered myself. “Jazz! Some privacy, please?!”

“Oh, come on, Anzel. We’ve both dressed and undressed naked around each other before. Heck, we’ve even taken showers together.” She said, as she walked right in, as if she belonged in there with me.

“Yeah, but that was when we were younger!” I stood there, still trying to cover what I could.

“So what’s the difference then? Not like I don’t know what you have, and it’s not like I haven’t seen yours before.” She said, as she leaned against the wall opposite of me. She did bring up a good point, she has already seen my balls before, and IF she did see anything that one night, she could already seen my full boner.

I sighed at her, knowing there’s no way I could get out of this situation, so I just tried my best to pretend she wasn’t watching. I pulled the thong up past my knees across my thighs slowly, as I felt the fabric begin to tug against my scales. Soon enough, the thin end of the thong was riding smoothly into my asscrack. A few moments later, the thong was snuggly fitted over most of my privates. My balls, however prepubescent they were, still didn’t fit into the entire thong.

Jasmine giggled to herself, reminding me that her voyeuristic self was still in the room with me. “Looks like you need some help tucking your balls in?” she said, as she made a move towards me. Instinctively I turned around to hide myself from her. “Relax, Snowy, lemme help you.” She said, as she reached around my waist, and under the waistband of my thong. Reluctantly, I spread my legs slight, and felt her warm hand press against my testicles. God, how I wished her hand could have been down there under different circumstances. She groped them for a moment, as I heard her murr softly. I couldn’t help but moan softly. She laughed softly, as she began pushing my balls between my legs. “Easy, Anzel…. I’m only fixing your panties for you, no need to get excited.” And just like that, she slipped her paw out as if nothing happened. I know I was going to treasure those few seconds, for a long while, as I still felt my balls tingle with her residual touch. I looked down, and saw how smooth my crotch seemed. It did look like I had a vagina, with my balls tucked in to look something like a set of full lips. It felt ecstatic, and yet uncomfortable, but hopefully I’d get used to it for a while.

Jasmine helped me put the skirt on, before shooing me out of the bathroom, so she could put her makeup on. I crept back into the room, trying hard to keep my balls in place. I found a pair of shoes and knee-high socks on her bed, which I figured were mine, so I slipped the socks on, pulling them up above my knee. I took a moment to admire myself in her closet mirror, and realized how much like a girl I looked, and as my eyes played across my own feminine reflection, I noticed just how narrow the skirt really was. It barely covered anything down there! One false move and my balls could be exposed. Apparently Jasmine really did want me to get all the attention. I just hope nothing crazy will happen. I slipped my shoes on, and took a few awkward steps in them. My feet were bigger, so it was a bit of a tight fit, and even though Jazz didn’t have any real high heels, this pair certainly had heels that I’d have to get used to. No sooner had I taken a quick lap around her room, did Jasmine walk in.

“All settled? Looking good, Snowy.” She smiled, and walked up to me slowly, her makeup fully applied, she looked almost as beautiful as I did. “Now comes the tricky part. I’m gonna have to teach you how to talk like a woman, and walk like one. But first, we need to give you a girl name…”

“Okay, so here are some girl rules. You gotta walk with a sway in your hips. You gotta act like you’re the hottest girl in the room. Smile, and wink at any of the guys that look. And if a guy says he likes hanging with you, that’s your queue to give him your phone number.”

Chapter two The Cross Deception

It was about 7pm once we had made our way out the door. I paused just a few steps away from the door, as Jasmine locked it behind us. I looked around nervously, holding the small purse that jasmine had handed me earlier. I had to force myself to stay calm, and believe no one had seen me exit Jazz’s house dressed up in this awful get-up. I felt a sudden breeze blow past my legs, felt it tug at my skirt. I reacted a little over the top, clutching my legs together. I couldn’t believe I let myself step out here dressed like a girl.

“C’mon Sierra, getting nervous already?” Jazz said, sneaking a short giggle in. We both decided that my girl name was going to be Sierra, since that’s what my mom wanted to call me, had I been born a girl. She trotted past me, letting her tail flick across my bare legs. It sent a shiver down my spine. I sighed softly, and followed her, taking a few awkward steps. “Remember, you’re supposed to walk the way I told you to.” she reminded.

I groaned, as I took the pose she told me to walk in; Elbows tucked in slightly, chest thrusted outward. It was one thing to walk “normally”, it was another to walk “with a sway”. I tried to slide my hips left and right as she instructed but after walking for half a block, I couldn’t keep it up without feeling dumb. “Jazz, do I have to walk this way?” I tried to keep up with her in my heels, which was kind of hard, but not as much as earlier.

“Uh, Yeah, if you want to get noticed, you do.” She replied, adding some sway to her own behind. I couldn’t help but stare. No sooner had I decided to look, that Jazz turned around with a smirk. I tried to avert my gaze, but it was too late. “See, Snowy? Told you it works!”

We spent the next few minutes going over what Jazz had said in her room. I spent most of the time practicing on my “girl voice”. It wasn’t too hard, since my voice was naturally higher pitched, but I still had to teach myself to curl some of my sounds. It was so frustrating, I kept forgetting to walk “properly”, and Jasmine kept scolding me.

Finally, we arrived at the diner. I stood in front of the place, and stared inside. It seemed a little packed in there. My stomach churned, and I was beginning to feel queasy. I was just about to turn around and call it quits, when all of a sudden Jasmine began shoving me towards the door.

“C’mon, Anzel… There’s no turning back now.”

Soon enough we were inside the building, and immediately my eyes darted around. Holy crap! There were too many guys in here! There was a group of four or five of them in one booth next to the entrance, three sitting at the counters, and a few here and there all over the place. A few of the guys turned towards our direction, checking out who entered the diner. I locked up all of a sudden, as I felt their eyes on us. I just froze in place, as I felt Jazz’s paw on my shoulder. She came close, and whispered into my ear. “Don’t look so nervous. Be calm, and just look confident!”

I thanked her mentally, as I felt myself calm down enough to walk towards an open booth. I don’t know if it was me or not, but I swore I could feel their eyes on my body, watching my every movement. I still had half the diner to cross, before we reached our table, but I remembered what Jazz told me. I swung my hips just a little, as I crossed the dance floor the diner had set up, until we reached the table. Not even a second had passed once my ass had slid across the booth, before Jasmine spoke heatedly.

“They were totally staring, Sierra! You know they were.” She said with a sly smile, as she sat across from me. “Probably had most of the guys looking your way.”

“Yeah, ‘cuz we’re the only girls here…” I sighed. It was good knowing I didn’t look like a fool, but it was a weird thought knowing I had several boys looking my way.

“Yeah right, In case you haven’t noticed, there’re quite a few girls here.”

I turned a little to look, and sure enough, I saw a few couples here and there, not to mention gaggles of girls here and there. I nodded back at Jazz, feeling less nervous than I had felt before. Least there’d be more bait for the guys to bite before they get to me. A few minutes later, our server arrived. We both ordered shakes, one vanilla and the other chocolate. I looked around a little more, once our server left. This place seemed a little more packed than usual, but then again they did move a few tables aside to make room for the dance floor. Quite a few people were dancing already, while “We got the beat” played in the background.

“Hey, on-lookers at 8 o’clock.” Jasmine pointed out once our server returned with our shakes. I turned to look where she said, and I saw a few guys staring in our direction. There were three of them, one with a black leather jacket, another with a denim jacket, and the third with a sweater. They all seemed a little older than us. I probably stared a little too long in their directions, because two of them turned around, as if minding their own business. Only Mr. Leathers continued to look my way. I felt weird, knowing we were both staring at each other. I looked away for just a moment. When I looked back towards him, I thought I saw him smile, before he turned back to talk with his friends.

“Well, uhm… that was weird.” I said quietly, as I turned to face Jasmine. She smirked, and took a sip of her shake. I shrugged at hers, and also took a sip of mine. I saw her eyes dart to the side for a moment, before she spoke up.

“Looks like they took the bait.” She said, as she smiled, and slowly turned her head towards the center of the diner.

“wha-?” I barely had time to put my glass down before I looked to where she looked, and saw those three guys approaching us. I got nervous again, all of a sudden, and I stared back at Jazz.

“Hey,” Jasmine said calmly, smiling at the guys. I felt her kick my shin suddenly.

“Hi,” I said, turning to face them as I faked a smile.

“Hey, there.” Mr. Leather spoke up first. I got a good look at him, from this close. He was a tiger with thin, wispy stripes on his face. I couldn’t tell if it was the jacket or just him, but he looked buff. His eyes were on me, as I felt him place his paw against the booth behind my head. “You girls seem like you could use some company.”

“Yeah, sure do.” Jazz said, as she eyed all three of them, and turned to wink at me ever so slightly. “It was getting kinda boring, until you guys showed up.”

“Really, now?” Mr. Leathers said. “Well, how about we treat you gals, tonight on us?” He suggested, looking back and forth between both of us. “In fact, how about we all treat you to a dance right now? How about it? Care to dance?” The tiger offered me his paw, a soft smile on his face.

“uhh-“ I began, looking flustered. I received a quick kick to the shin from Jazz. “Certainly~!” I managed to say, without revealing the extent of my combined surprise and pain. Damnit Jazz, you could have been more subtle instead of kicking me like that. I reached for his paw sliding my hand into his, before I felt his tight, but gentle grip. He held my hand in his, as he guided me to the dance floor, just as a slower song began to play.

“So, uh- what’s your name?” He asked me, once he found a good spot.

“Oh, it’s Anz-Sierra!” I said as I managed to catch myself.

He paused to look at me curiously, yet sternly, as if he were probing my inner thoughts. “Anziara?”

“No, just Sierra, sorry.” I corrected. He nodded at me in understanding, before he released my hand, and slid his paws against my side. I felt a tingle roll down my spine, as I felt his big paws holding my body. I hesitated, as I scanned the crowd quickly, and spotted Jasmine dancing with Mr. Jacket, a German shepherd. She had her paws on his shoulders, as he had his against her sides as well. I mimicked her, reaching up to place my hands on the tiger’s shoulders. “What’s yours?”

“Richard. But you can call me Rick” He said, as he began to slow dance. He looked into my eyes, once again. I felt like I couldn’t look away, couldn’t escape his gaze. “You look beautiful. Y’know?”

It caught me off-guard, when he said it, and I couldn’t help but feel myself blush a little. “Oh, th-thank you…” I said, smiling back at him.

He chuckled, as he returned the smile. “Cute, too.”

I don’t know what was wrong with me, but I felt myself blush even harder. “H-hey…” I tried to retort, but nothing came to mind. I felt one of his paws slide to my back, somewhere between my shoulder blades. I felt him pull me close, almost into a hug. I could feel body warmth radiating off him. I was going to push him away, but something stopped me from doing so.

We danced for a while, with him holding me close. After a while, I didn’t mind being this close to him, we talked for a little bit, as we danced, and he told me he was in high school, and that he was also on the baseball team. We probably danced through three or four songs, before I found myself distracted. “Hey,” he said after a while, “You falling asleep?”

“Huh?” I asked, before I realized I had laid my head against his chest. I quickly lifted my head and blushed, as I tried to look away.

“You okay?” he asked, letting go of me, so I could have some distance.

“Yeah, I’m fine, it’s just- I barely know you, and I was getting a little too comfortable.” I began to apologize, before be placed a finger against my lips quite gingerly.

“It’s all good. No harm done.” He smiled at me again, before looking around. I did the same. There was hardly anyone dancing anymore. I saw Jasmine sitting over at the counter, talking with her dance partner. “So…” Rick began, bringing my attention back to him. “Still want to dance?”

I smiled, and nodded, as I slid back against him, and placed my hands on his arms, as he placed his against my sides again. He seemed to hold me tighter, but that could have been my imagination. We danced around for a moment, before I looked once again over towards Jasmine. She nodded to me, and mouthed the words “Kiss him”. I rolled my eyes at her, and shook my head, but Rick noticed.

“Something wrong?” he asked.

“Oh, nothing. Just my friend being dumb.” I answered, as I looked back at him.

“I see,” he said, as we twirled for a moment, before he spoke up again. “Speaking of friends, are you… seeing someone?”

“Err, no, why?”

“N-no reason.” He said, as he turned away for a moment. I’m sure he was blushing just a little under his fur. “Does that mean you wouldn’t mind if I walked you home?”

It was my turn to blush, again. “Oh, yeah, I don’t mind. I mean, you can walk me home, if you’d like.” I responded, as I looked yet again towards Jazz.

We left the diner probably half an hour later. Jasmine walked ahead of me and Rick with her date, Max. It was cold out, and both Rick and Max decided to play the gentlemen, and lent both Jazz and I their jackets to keep warm. It helped a little, but I could still feel the cold air rushing past my crotch. That crappy thong was barely helping keep my balls warm. In fact, it was making them feel a little too “tight” under the fabric. I made a mental note to never wear a skirt this late again. Then I reminded myself that this was one-time prank, and that I’d never do this again.

Rick pulled me a little closer, as he wrapped his arm across my shoulders. I didn’t mind, since Jazz’s date was taking the liberty of exploring her behind, which made her giggle. I groaned a little, wishing I could do the same to her, but knowing I probably shouldn’t, since she’s my best friend. Argh, I felt frustrated. I was going to try to remind myself to ask her to do something for me in exchange for this prank, when Rick spoke up.

“Sierra, I just wanted to say that I enjoyed myself tonight.” He said. It calmed me down, as I turned slightly to face him.

“Thank you, Rick. I know I did, too.”

“You’re welcome.” He smiled at me, and looked in my eyes again. His eyes seemed to sparkle in the night light. “You’re a nice girl. You’re very pretty, and kind-hearted. A one-in-a-million kind of person.” I tried to hide my face as he spoke. I didn’t know why, but my scales were tingling. I didn’t understand why I felt this wave of emotion hit me. As he continued to speak, I felt the tingling sensation intensify. “Like I said, you’re an awesome person, and I was wondering if, y’know, you’d like to chill again?” he asked me, as he rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.

I nodded shyly at him, unable to find my voice to speak. I remembered something that Jasmine said earlier, and somehow I managed to find my voice. “Y-yeah, we totally should hang again sometime. Here’s my number.” I gave him my number, and watched him enter it into his phone. Once he saved it, we turned the corner, and stood just 2 houses down from Jasmine’s. “We’re almost there.” I said with renewed confidence. “I’m staying with Jazz tonight, so you don’t have to worry from here.”

He nodded, before asking me if I was sure we’d be all right. I nodded back, as I watched him turn around. Suddenly, I felt very courageous, as I ran (well, as fast as I could move in heels) back to him. He turned around just in time for me to lean up, and kiss him quickly on the lips. I blushed as I realized what I did, and tried to figure out what possessed me to do it. I blushed hard, as he looked at me with surprise as well, and before he could say anything, I ran back to Jasmine’s house. My heart pounded with adrenaline, as I rushed Jazz into her house, before she had a chance to “kiss” her date good night.

“Hey, what’s wrong with you, Anzel?!” she demanded, once the door was safely shut behind her. “Couldn’t you see we were about to make out??” she said rather poutily, her arms against her sides.

“I-I….” I stammered, trying to comprehend what I just did moments before.

“Well, what?!”

“I… I kissed Rick!” I finally managed to say, as I played nervously with the edge of my skirt.

All Jasmine did was gasp in surprise. “You mean you actually kissed a GUY?!”

The phone rang once, twice, thrice before a buxom white dragoness entered the room. Her claws were covered in a damp froth; she had been in the other room washing

dishes, as she quickly wiped them across her apron. It was unusual for the house phone to ring, since She had her own cellphone. She however felt she should answer

this call, instead of letting it go to the home's voicemail box. She picked up the phone, placing the receiver against her ear. "Dorrich residence, may I ask who

this is?" she inquired politely. She sensed the caller hesitate for just a moment, before they spoke up.

"Hello. This is Richard. Is Sierra home?" the caller asked nervously.

"Sierra?" The dragoness questioned. She wasn't sure who was calling, but she figured by the sound of the caller, it was probably one of her son's friends. "Oh, yes.

Give me just one moment, and they'll be on the phone." She placed the reciever on top of the counter, and poked her head out into the hallway. "Anzel, you have a

caller on the phone"

Chapter 3 Date Night

It was an unexpected call, I guess. I rushed down the stairs wondering who called the home phone, when it hit me after I picked up and answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Uh... hi? Is Sierra there? I think I have the wrong number..." Richard said, sounding desperate.

I hesitated for a moment. I mean, I never thought he'd call me back, which is why I gave him my home number. It's not like I was also "in character". Oh, what do I

do? "Uh, uh... OH you mean my sister??" I quickly thought, meanwhile trying to sound as manly, and unlike my Sierra voice as possible. "Yeah, she's here, lemme get

her." I put the phone on the counter, and exhaled. I almost gave myself away, but that quick recovery saved me. I gave it a momemt, clearing my throat as quietly as

I could before picking the phone up, and assuming a falsetto. "Hello?"

"Heyy, your family scared me for a moment. I thought you gave me the wrong number for a moment." Richard said excitedly.

"Oh, hehe sorry. I guess I should have given you my cell number. I just gave you my house number because I wasn't sure if you'd call me back."

"What makes you think I wouldn't? How many guys'd let a cute girl like you slip on by?"

"D'aww... Thanks." I blushed. Even though it was only a prank I pulled, I still couldn't help but feel giddy, and fond of the entire charade, but still. Why was he

calling back? "So, what's up?" I asked.

"Nothing, just wondering if you're busy this weekend."

"Uhm... No, why?" Uh, oh. I think I know where he's going with this. He's probably gonna ask me on a second date. I didn't plan for this!

"You wanna go to the fair with me? I got tickets."

Arrgh. I want to say no, but at the same time my heart says yes. I thought about it for a moment. On one hand, it'll be pretty much over between us, and we could

move on with our lives. On the other, Jasmine would definitely get on me because of this. She'd say I should have gone along. Oh, what to do?

"... I'm sorry, I guess It is kind of weird for me to call you out of the blue like this and all-"

"Oh, n-no! You're good! Yes, totally, I'll go!" I suddenly blurted out. I blinked after I finished speaking. What's gotten into me all of a sudden? I'm not even

dressed up, or ready yet.

"Oh, okay! When do you wanna be picked up, and you still at your friends house?" Richard asked.

"D'uhh- I'm not err, ready yet."

"S'okay, I can wait-"

"I mean, I'm not ready today!"

"How long does it take you to get rea-"

"I-I'm sorry, I'm kinda busy right now, c-can we talk later?" I said, feeling rather agitated. I needed some kind of quick cover.

"Sure? you okay?"

"Y-yeah, just got a few things to take care of real quick. I'll call you back in an hour, okay?"

"all right, talk to you soon, Sierra."

"Bye." I said, before quickly hanging the phone up. I sighed in relief, my tail shaking nervously, as I slid down the wall onto my butt. I thought I heard the door

creak, but when I looked, it was closed. Guess it was just my nerves. I reached for my cellphone, and fished it out, quickly snapping the phone open and dialing

Jazz's number in one fluid movement.

"So, He called you?" Jazz asked me, once I finally got to her house. We hardly stepped foot into her room before she popped the question on me. We had talked on the

phone for a bit, but I figured it'd be a better idea to talk more at her house. Call me paranoid, but my mom would KILL me if she found out what I did, and was


"Yeah, he called me, and I didn't know what to do. I reacted almost on instinct!" I sighed, as I tossed myself onto the foot of her bed.

"Mhmm... And this... Instinct of yours told you to say 'yes' to his 'date'?" Jazz questioned, giving me a quizzical look.

"Yeah, I just blurted out my answer."

"I see... So tell me, Anzel. What does your instinct say?"

"I'm sorry?" I asked, feeling lost.

"How do you feel about him? Or how does he make you feel?" She asked me, as she stared into my eyes with such a piercing glare, I couldn't look away.

"I don't understand... I dunno I guess?"

"Well, Anzel, if you didn't like him, or feel interested in him at all, you wouldn't have given him your number, you wouldn't have answered his call-"

"Yeah but I didn't know it was hi-"

"You wouldn't have said yes to him, and most importantly of all, you wouldn't have KISSED him." She pointed out fiercely. "So tell me, how do you feel about him?"

I stood silent, as I thought about it. She did bring up a good point. Why did I do all those things? I thought about him long and hard, trying to find an answer. I

thought about his face, his over appearance. I mean, it's not like he was ugly or unattractive looking, but I didn't exactly feel any kind of lust for him. I thought

some more about him, how he acted, what he said, when I suddenly remembered how I felt when he talked to me. My heart skipped a beat, and I felt myself blush.

"Ahh, so there IS something there..." Jasmine said slyly, keeping a silent giggle to herself.

I sighed, softly. I'd have to admit it, or she'd pester me nonstop. "All right, call me gay if you want, but..." I paused, as I felt a momentary shiver. Was it of

delight, or disgust? "... He makes me feel good whenever he talks to me. Like, he's there for me, and always will be. He's such a nice guy... If I were a girl, I

would date him."

"Ahh, but see, you can be!" Jasmine said, hopping onto her feet. "That night at the diner proved it!"

"H-huh? but I'm a guy, and that's totally... gross..." I said. I felt weird saying it though, like that wasn't the right word... No, that wasn't how I felt, but I

still wasn't sure how I felt.

"Only if you're a guy, but you CAN be a girl, you know. It's not that hard. I mean, Rick certainly thinks you are."

"But- what if he finds out? How'd that go on?" I was beginning to feel confused, like I didn't know myself. I felt cold, alone and lost. I hugged myself tightly. I'm

sure I looked depressed, because Jasmine slid next to me, on her knees. She threw an arm around my shoulders, and tried her best to comfort me. She stood silent for

a moment, staring at the same spot on the floor I was staring at.

"All right, uhm, Snowy. I want you to think about this, okay? Do you like him? I'm not just asking if you think he's okay. I mean do you like him enough to maybe

feel interested in... I guess, being with him?" I gave it a thought, ran it through my mind a few times. It didn't seem so much like a bad idea anymore. In fact, the

only thought that crossed my mind was could I keep this up, cross-dressing for him?

"... Yes, I'd... I'd like that." I said with a soft smile.

"Okay, that's good." she responded kindly. "All right, then. Tell him you'll see him tommorow. Just... talk to him, get to know him a little more. If you feel like

things are working between you, and you want to start something, then you could... I dunno, tell him you're a guy, but wish you were a girl or something. If he as

nice a guy like you think, and he likes you, he'll overlook that, or even accept it. Who knows?"

I smiled, and nodded at her. That seemed like a good idea. I could feel a tear roll down my cheek. "All right, I'll give him a call..."

I ended up spending the night at Jazz's once more. Jazz insisted I stay at her place so she could prep me quicker for my date. I called Richard and told him our date

would be tommorow, at noon. We set our alarms to wake us up at 8:30. Jazz's mom asked us if we wanted breakfast before she went to work, so we managed to eat a quick

breakfast before we'd start preparing. We both sat on her bed, barefooted. She said we'd be working on trimming and painting my nails. I watched as she set to work

holding a file against my toe claws. It wasn't that my toes looked hideous, but rather they weren't effeminate, so she began to smooth out my claws, holding each toe

gingerly. Once my toes were trimmed and neat (they were practically half the size they were before!), Jazz pulled out a few bottles of nail paint, and polish. She

compared a few bottles against my toes, trying to find a good color to wash down my pale-gray claws with. "So tell me why I'm getting my nails painted?" I asked her,

as she opened a bottle of nail polish, and applied it to my newly groomed toenails.

"Becase you're going to the fair. You'll want to wear flip-flops whenever you're out for a stroll during the summer." she explained, while she brushed the last few

toeclaws in polish. "And while wearing flip-flops, you gotta have pretty toes." She finished polishing my toes, as she replaced the cap on the bottle. We both began

to discuss what color we should paint my toes, until we came to a very vibrant burgundy color. This way, it would match a little more with the lipstick I'd be using.

I remained silent, while she continued to paint the rest of my toenails, until Jasmine encouraged me to work some more on my female voice, and reactions. She knew I

was nervous enough thinking about going out with Richard again, so I was glad for the little reminders she gave me. Soon my toes were completely done, and

prettified,. I stared at them for a moment, giving them a test wiggle. They certainly looked girly. Jasmine couldn't help but giggle at my sudden interest in my

toes. She hopped off her bed as I continued to admire my toes, heading towards her closet. I wondered very briefly what outfit she'd pick for me this time, but I

figured it couldn't be any worse than what she chose last time. I mean, I certainly enjoyed my looks, and silhouette towards the end of the night. She tossed over

the outfit, as it landed in a sort of pile on my lap. I lifted the first article of clothing up. It was a faded pink tank top-ish thing I later found out was called

a camisole. The next piece I picked up, to my horror, was a pair of denim booty shorts. "Uhh, Jazz? I'm not wearing these." I simply said, as I help the shorts up

for her to see.

"Pshhaw. c'mon! You know Rick'll enjoy himself, as he watches you run ahead all excited, and stuff. He'll get to see what a nice pair of legs you have!" she

encouraged, as she strode towards me, and patted the inside portion of my thighs.

I looked at her crazy. "What legs?"

"Well," she began, trying to remember a good excuse for me to wear them. "Didn't you run track?"

"Yeah, in 6th, and 7th grade. But how does that help me?"

"Exactly! It DOES help you, Snowy. You ran for like, two years! you're bound to have nicely toned legs." she said, as she once again patted my thighs, trying to get

her point across.

I thought about it for a moment. "I guess," I sighed, "But are you sure my legs'll look nice? I highly doubt it..."

"Well, you won't know until you try 'em on." She suggested, as she went over to her drawers, and pulled out something, before tossing it towards me. "Here, put those

on first."

I caught it, and looked at it, before looking back at her. "Are you serious?" She had tossed me a thong that looked oddly like the ones I wore just a few nights ago.

"Wait... Did you wash these?" I asked her.

"err, nooo...." she said rather sheepishly, holding her arms behind her back.

I raised my eyebrow at her. "Then why were these in your drawer?" I was almost sure of her answer, yet I both did and didn't want to hear it from her.

She looked away and blushed momentarily, remaining silent. I rolled my eyes, and began to undress, my back to her now. I could hear her sigh softly, as I undressed

myself completely. I pulled the thong up my legs, feeling the fabric tug gently at my scales, until it was snug around my waist. I didn't bother with "tucking myself

in", since I was going to wear those ridiculous shorts, but she was right. I might as well dress to impress Richard, so I could show him I did feel serious about

him. Before I tried on the shorts, I went over to Jasmine's open drawer, and fished around for a few pairs of socks, and a bra for me to wear. I didn't hear anything

from Jazz as I continued to dress. I didn't know if that was a good thing, or a bad thing. soon enough I had made a "Realistic" set of boobs in my bra, before I

tried on the camisole. It fit perfectly, almost scarrily so. God, did my entire body match hers so perfectly? I looked at her for a moment, to see what she was doing

amidst her silence. She was watching me intently, a soft smile on her face. she seemed kinda of creepy, aside from the fact that I knew she was my friend. I reached

for the shorts, and I noticed her eyes dart to my legs for a moment, before she hopped off the bed, and walked out her door.

I shrugged, and figured I may as well get the shorts on, before she stepped back into the room. I was able to get it on just fine, thought I felt it nice and tight

around my ass. I walked over towards her closet mirror, and looked at myself in profile. Jeeze I had a nice, round ass. I never knew until now. Since I was looking

at myself, I figured I may as well look at my legs, and see how they looked. they were nice, and toned just like Jasmine said. I mean, they probably weren't the

sexiest legs on the planet, but I couldn't help but get excited, just a little. I could impress Rick! I know I can. I stepped back just enough to admire the rest of

my body, just as Jazz came in holding a bottle.

"Here," she said, offering me the bottle, "It's oil, for your legs. I use it to make my fur look soft and shiny. It says it's safe to put on scales to make your legs

look smooth, and stand out."

"Thanks, Jazz." I said, as I poued a little onto my hands, and bent slightly, applying the oil on my legs. It sure was smooth, I could feel my hands glide across my

scales. I imagined what Rick would think if he felt my legs, imagined his firm touch, as he dragged a hand up, and up along my leg. Imagined him going further along,

until his paws were just inches from my crotch, as he rubbed gentle circles along my thighs-

"Ahem." Jasmine coughed, bringing me back to reality. I looked over towards her, still bent slighly to rub my legs. She pointed towards my- I blushed suddenly, as I

turned away from her. I had given myself a hardon just by thinking about rick. Well, good thing the shorts were on so all she saw was an awkward, throbbing lump

between my legs, but still. This was embarrassing.

"Guess you're... excited about tonight?" she asked me, as I remained silent and hunched over. I nodded slowly, as I straighted up just a little. I could feel myself

getting softer, but I still felt haunted by my overeactive imagination. "So, uhm, before I do your hair and makeup... do you wanna, err, pierce your ears?"

"Huh?" I asked her, still focused on what happened to me, I didn't quite catch what she said.

"You know... like wearing jewelry in your ears and stuff?"

"... Does it hurt?" I asked, once I understood and thought about what she asked.

"Yeah, but only a little, for like 2 seconds. I have an ear piercing kit here, so we could give you something to wear." She shuffled over to her desk, where all her

makeup stuff was, and pulled out a weird looking device with a clamp on the end.

I shrugged, before nodding. "Yeah, may as well" I said, as I brushed my hair aside, revealing my short pointy ears. She took a few steps toward me, grabbing one of

my ears with her paw. I suddenly shivvered, and pulled away, realizing something. "Wait! I dunno if I should get them. what if my mom sees?"

"She won't be able to see them. You have long hair, Anzel, just hide your ears underneath." She said, as she gave me some space. She was right, I usually hid my ears

under my hair, so it wouldn't be too much of a problem to hide them from my mom. huh, I wonder what she would think if she knew what was going on. I Pulled my hair

back once again, and pretty much presented my ear for her. She stepped forward again, and gently slid my ear between the two plastic plates, close to the base of my

ears. "This'll only sting just a bit.

I shivvered in anticipation, wincing even before she could pull the trigger. I managed to look away just in time, as I felt this aweful pinch. I yelped, nearly

jerking away from her, and the clamp. "D'AAH~!" I grunted, as she released the clamp, and pulled away. My hands darted to my ear, and felt the new hole. It was

pencil-thick, but the hole quickly began to close, not healed, but not wide open. I caressed my ear, until after a few seconds the pain dissipated. It only lasted a

moment, but felt like an eternity. A slight sting remained, as I now felt the clamp surrounding my other ear. I was so blinded by pain, I never noticed Jasmine cross

to my other side. She looked at me, and smiled. "Ready for round two?" she asked. I hesitated for a moment as I relived that short, painful moment once again. I

forced myself to nod while I could, before I chickened out completely. Just like that, She squeezed the lever again, and poked a hold through my other ear. I was

braced for the pain a little more this time, so it didn't hurt as much, but I still felt my eyes water.

It was done, I now more or less permanently had earring holes. Jasmine gave me a moment, as I stared at myself, and felt the holes. Even without earrings, I was

pretty, and seemed girlier than before. I tried to put my ears under my hair, and it worked. Only the tips poked out, which was natural, so I was pretty much safe

from my mom finding out.

Jasmine had put away the clamp, and had picked out a few kinds of earrings, from hoops to dangling "gems". I figured I didn't need to wear anything flashy,

especially since it was only a carnival we were going to, so I went with a plastic golden loop. As I stared a little more at myself wearing those loops, I couldn't

help but feel like a different person. I turned to and fro, and felt the rings jiggle on my ears. I tilted my head, and felt them rest on my cheek bones. Jazz

chuckled, watching me play with them. "It's time," she said, as she pointed to the clock on her nightstand. "You should give him a call, now."

Rick arrived almost exactly on time. Turns out it was kind of a double-date, with Max having also asked Jazz to go. Of course, we would all go in separate

directions, and for the most part do our own things, but at least I was confident that I wouldn't always be alone without Jasmine being somewhere nearby. Of course

they didn't show up alone. Ricks' mom happened to bring both of them, in a family van. I felt a little embarrassed, having to meet Rick's mom, and decieve her as

well. She made me blush even more, after she complimented me on how pretty, and youthful I looked. I tried to compliment her as well, on how young she looked. She

could definitely pass for Ricks' older sister.

We all hopped into the car, with Rick and I sitting in the middle row, and Jazz and Max sat behind us. I sat in silence for most of the trip, just listening to The

other three have a conversation. Twice I noticed Richard glancing at me, feeling his gaze on my chest, and once I felt him sneakily slide a paw along my thigh,

gripping it gently. I blushed, and looked away, pretending to be interested in the passing scenery. The whole car trip only lasted about 20 minutes, as we arrived at

the outskirts of town, where the whole fair was set up. We all got off (save for Ricks mom, who told us she'd be back by 9pm to pick us up) and got our tickets. We

all agreed to meet back by the main entrance once it was close to closing time, before heading our separate ways. One of the first attractions we passed by was the

tunnel of love, and I panicked for a moment. I thought for sure he would lead me there, but Rick practically wheeled us in the other direction, towards some roller

coasters. We spent a few hours going on several thrill rides, before we headed towards the food court area.

I was having fun, and I'm sure Rick was, because we were starting to have conversations. I was amazed how easy it was for me to keep talking in my "girly" voice, and

have such interesting conversation with Rick. We went on about silly moments about elementary, after we saw a few mischievous kids throw fries at each other. I of

course made sure to alter my stories and make them seem girly (Definitely none of my "fart" stories). We laughed a whole lot as we finished our food. I was surprised

I didn't choke on any food at all the whole time.

We took off towards the house of mirrors next. We had some more fun posing in front of a few mirrors. Rick tried to make himself look buff, and I of course tried to

make myself look like I had an hourglass shape. Damn, did I look hot in my "hourglass" reflection. I couldn't help but admire myself, and as I noticed, neither could

Rick. I watched him through the reflection, as his eyes glanced around my rear. I don't know what forced me to do it, but I lifted my tail and leaned forward just a

little, pretending to look at myself more closely in the mirror, but also giving Rick a slightly better view. I turned around to smile at him, and sure enough he

looked away for a moment. He glanced at me, as if he just now turned to look at me, and smiled back.

We spent the rest of the evening wandering around the fair, playing games, and winning prizes. Rick managed to win me a stuffed tiger, in one of those sand-bag

tossing games. We also ran into Jazz, and Max for a while, so we grabbed something quick to eat with them. We said bye to them, once we finished, and we headed

elsewhere. It was starting to get close to the end of the day, so we had time for just one more ride. Rick of course asked if we could go on the ferris wheel, and so

I agreed. We got in line, and only had to wait for a minute, before our turn came up. We got into the cabin, which was small- it was obviously designed for couples,

or at most three people. The Ferris wheel began to rise slowly, as we soon had a great view of the whole fair, and the surrounding woods. Off in the distance, we

could see downtown, as Rick and I tried to point out locations we could recognize from this distance. Once the wheel made a complete rotation, the wheel slowed its

climb down, as the cabins began to empty out. At the time, our cabin was suspended near the top of the wheel.

I looked at Rick and smiled, and he smiled back. I think after tonight, I realised I did want to be with him. I knew I'd have to reveal to him that I was a boy

someday, but I wasn't sure how to do it. I also knew I had to tell him soon, or else there'd be issues later down the line. Like Jazz said, I should tell him now,

before our relationship gets so serious that revealing who I really am could be detrimental. I turned to look at how far up the ferris wheel was. If I told him now,

maybe I'd have enough time to explain to him, what's going on in my life (not that there was anything crazy going on). I took a few deep breaths, before turning to

face Rick. "Rick," I began, getting his attention. "I-uh.... There's... something I'd...." I couldn't help but stammer, I knew not where to begin. he nodded

patiently, placing a paw ecouraginly on my knee. "I need t-to... tell you something." I felt my heart race, as I began to pant. I could feel my voice echoing in our

cabin, blocking out all sounds from the carnival as if it were the only sound in the world.

I felt his paw rub along my leg. He looked at me eagerly, before he asked me to go on. I couldn't concentrate, as I stammered even more. "Err, Rick, what I-I'm

trying to say is that, I... I'm-" He leaned in close, until our muzzles were only so far apart. I felt my heart pump faster, it's sound filling my ears. I leaned

into him suddenly, felt my lips press against his, felt his tender kiss. He kissed me again, and I kissed back. I panted as he continued to kiss my lips, each time

moving slightly, trying to make the center of his kiss touch a separate part of my lip from the last one. He slid both paws along my inner thighs, as I moaned softly

in response. He opened his mouth, and slid his tongue against my parted lips, I couldn't help but slip mine against his. I felt his rough tongue run across the

outline of my tongue and lips, before he darted it into my mouth. the weird thing was that I didn't at all feel freaked out, or nervous. Somehow I felt like I had

wanted this to happen deep down inside. I could feel my cheeks burn with such a fierce blush, as his tongue explored the inside of my mouth. His kiss didn't feel

invasive, but rather like he wanted to show how much he felt about me. It was taking almost all of my willpower to control my urges, and force myself to remain

completely soft.

Digimon P&P RPG forum.

new summoner rp called Sei'La Tlly located in mixed rp. feel free to join.

[Image: Furries-1.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
The Cross Deception (Cross-dressing) - by Altima - 02-10-2011, 01:36 PM