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The Honeymoon (private for Clonewarrior)
Amanda was a beautiful young woman of 21. She had lovely dark brown hair that reached down to the middle of her back and blue eyes that almost glittered. Her figure was nice and thin with moderately sized breasts that garnered her a lot of looks. Even today her nipples were showing through the front of her wedding gown.

She had lived a pretty ordinary life up until the past month. She came from a large family of fine carpet merchants. Her parents had died when she was young, leaving her with only her grandmother.

Amanda loved to string along the young men her age, though her grandmother strictly disapproved. Guys within her caste would often wait on her hand and foot in the hopes of winning her favor, and she certainly enjoyed taking whatever she could from them.

With little materials to work with, Amanda's grandmother was afraid that she would have to sell their home in order to make ends meet. Luck shined on them however when a rich aristocrat stopped in one day to purchase a fine rug. Noticing the beautiful young woman weaving, the noble suggested that Amanda's grandmother should consider arranging a marriage with his son.

When her grandmother told her that there was a sexy young man that she was interested in arranging a marriage with, Amanda decided it was worth it to get a guy who'd definitely stick around, even if it meant losing the favors of all the bachelors.

Over the next couple of months, Amanda was introduced to her groom-to-be. Although she was surprised that he was not human, she had no problems with becoming the wife of a feline. The biggest surprise however, was his age. The boy was barely 16 and only in his second year of high school. She begged with her grandmother to change her mind, but she was convinced to get to know him. She found they got along, though she was honestly not always herself. Her grandmother had told her to be on her best behavior, lest their plans fall apart and their family fall into ruin. Casey turned out to be far more reserved and mature than he looked, but Amanda had a feeling he was also putting on airs to impress her.

She was quiet and proper during the wedding and made sure to observe all of the aristocratic customs. (Just a few more hours.) she thought to herself as their guests clapped following their vows. (Then I can loosen up a bit and finally get to talk to him for real.)

When they reached the beach house, she looked around in awe at the home. She was not told much about it beyond it using magic, and unfortunately, having no indoor plumbing.

She crossed her arms, lifting up her breasts and sighed. Her nipples protruded even more than before. "Dear. Why didn't we kiss during the wedding?"
[Image: signature.png]

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RE: The Honeymoon (private for Clonewarrior) - by CloneWarrior - 02-03-2011, 08:15 PM