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Hidden Agenda(Private RP)
Moirai's eyes narrowed, Noting that Veronica glanced her direction. No doubt she was well informed on her own less than stellar track record. Not alot of people liked her, and she didn't like alot of people. There was a distinct look in her Boss' eye, one that she's seen before too many times. One that seemed to say, "If I didn't need you here, you'd be fired".

She glanced over at the new Merc, one that was called RMAK. One of the best, she heard. Almost indestructible. Probably hired to be partnered with her, to keep from 'accidentally' killing more site personnel.

The lights dimmed, and her military training took over. Her eyes trained on her superior, her ears swung forward to grab every important detail of this briefing. She moved to parade rest, her feet shoulder-width apart, her knees relaxed, and her hands behind her back. A traditional military posture for when one was receiving orders.

It's not that she disobeyed anyone, really. She really did try on several missions to be an outstanding Field Agent, but for some reason, around her, bad things happened when she's under stress. A few dead Field Agents, if they could talk, would prove that she didn't do anything wrong. Inwardly, she sighed, thinking to herself, "I'm just a walking bad-luck generator, aren't I?"
The last mutt standing.

The one and only, Cowboy from Hell.


Bury me with my guns on,
So when I reach the other side, 
I can show him what it feels like to die.

Bury me with my guns on,
So when I'm cast out of the skies,
I can shoot the Devil right between the eyes.
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan

Messages In This Thread
Hidden Agenda(Private RP) - by Bee - 01-12-2011, 11:46 AM
RE: Hidden Agenda(Private RP) - by Bee - 01-19-2011, 09:35 AM
RE: Hidden Agenda(Private RP) - by Bee - 02-01-2011, 03:24 PM
RE: Hidden Agenda(Private RP) - by Bee - 02-03-2011, 02:05 PM
RE: Hidden Agenda(Private RP) - by Bee - 02-19-2011, 06:18 AM
RE: Hidden Agenda(Private RP) - by Bee - 02-24-2011, 05:22 AM