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Hidden Agenda(Private RP)
Eiselay, an upper-tier veteran agent, brought Veronica Walker a bottle of beer, which she casually took a swig of, scanning and scrutinizing the room with her visible eye as she waited for everyone to gather. She knew everyone's faces, not in person, but from the files she had on everyone in her employ. Many of the newer agents have never met or even seen her, having been briefed on their assignments by higher ups, and rarely Veronica herself on a private intercom.

"Will there be anything else, Madame Walker?" Eiselay asked, twiddling with his white goatee.

"An actual assembly hall would be nice." She replied icily. The 'assembly hall' was basically just the gigantic cafeteria where everyone ate. They never really had a need for an assembly hall after all, so one was never built. Eiselay smiled meekly at her reply, but the smile vanished when he realized she wasn't joking.

There were some familiar faces among the mercenaries, especially the ones she contracted in person. There was RMAK, cold and efficient, she followed her orders to a T. It was good to know there was someone dependable already.

She furrowed her brows slightly when she noticed that there was a good chunk of the veteran agents that were stationed here missing. They dared to bump back against the things that went bump in the night, and now they bumped back even harder. The result was that roughly 80% of the Agendas classed C and above were now nearly always fatal.

She recognized the Furran named Sable from the picture she had of her in one of her files, along with a record of failed attempts to bring a Cryptid back alive, and many temporary partnerships ending in fatalities. She was a problem agent with an attitude, and under any other circumstances while Veronica was here, she would've been sent back wherever she came from and had her memory wiped clean of every trace of Hidden Agenda in it.

But not anymore. They needed as many agents as possible- in fact- they were so understaffed that mercenaries had to be hired to help. Failure was no longer an option.

Veronica silenced the room by casually tossing the beer bottle behind her so it smashed against the wall. She then got up and strode over to a podium.

"First thing's first," She raised a hand carelessly and curled her fingers in one-by-one, until it was a fist. The light dimmed a little with each finger curled until it disappeared completely. The power went out. The back-up generator didn't even kick in. Five of the agents, three of which were cyborgs and two of which were androids, collapsed. "What I am about to tell you is a secret that if revealed to the wrong people, may shake the very foundations of the balance we have been fighting to keep for so long."

With her other hand, she produced a satchel from behind her and tossed it forward. The contents spilled out onto the ground; some sort of white powder that started to arrange itself into an intricate circle around everyone in the room, including her. "So you'll understand that I can only proceed after I make sure that won't be a problem, right?"
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
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Messages In This Thread
Hidden Agenda(Private RP) - by Bee - 01-12-2011, 11:46 AM
RE: Hidden Agenda(Private RP) - by Bee - 01-19-2011, 09:35 AM
RE: Hidden Agenda(Private RP) - by Bee - 02-01-2011, 03:24 PM
RE: Hidden Agenda(Private RP) - by Bee - 02-03-2011, 02:05 PM
RE: Hidden Agenda(Private RP) - by Bee - 02-19-2011, 06:18 AM
RE: Hidden Agenda(Private RP) - by Bee - 02-24-2011, 05:22 AM