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Demon of Hellsing (parrelel universe, private for Darkchibimon)
Rose turn back and open the cell door, looking at Raziel Del Le Grace. "You must be...what my father was talking about when he was on his death bed." Ruby said, walking into the cell slowly, not letting fear take over. 'I will not let my Uncle take Hellsing away from me. I just hope that he his still alive.' Ruby thought, knowing that her options are very limited at this point. 'If my Uncle finds me, he will either kill me, or do something worst, much worst.' Rose thought, knowing that she has to be strong even with facing death. 'I'm a proud member of the Hellsing family, I will not let anyone blood-related or not take that away from me, failure is not tolerated.' Rose thought angry, knowing that her Uncle will come down here.
[Image: 34snomc.png]

[Image: DarkChibimon.png]
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RE: Demon of Hellsing (parrelel universe, private for Darkchibimon) - by DarkChibimon - 01-31-2011, 03:52 AM