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Demon of Hellsing (parrelel universe, private for Darkchibimon)
Rose Van Hellsing quietly thank the guards as she escape her room. "Thank goodness that he put two of my good friends as guards to guard my room." Rose thought as she is wearing a light blue uniform with a short skirt, black stocking, white gloves and black boots. As she was running to the forgotten underground dungeon she remembers her father's last words. "Rose...If at some point...You find yourself in a crisis...If some unbeatable enemy has you cornered....Go to the forgotten underground dungeon! There lies one of the fruits of the Hellsing family's labors. Something that will protect you...but also be careful of your uncle...I fear that he is...planing something...for kill you...become the head of...hellsing..." Those words echo in Rose's mind as she ran down the confusing hallways of the underground dungeon. She stops and looks like a door with a symbol on it. "This...must be the door...that father was talking about..." Rose said as she heard footstep coming behind her as she turns around, keeping her hand on the door handle. "What do you want uncle, Stephan Van Hellsing?" Rose said, trying to look calm, looking at her uncle in the eye.
[Image: 34snomc.png]

[Image: DarkChibimon.png]
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RE: Demon of Hellsing (parrelel universe, private for Darkchibimon) - by DarkChibimon - 01-30-2011, 11:16 AM