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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
"Fine, fine, if you must have it that way. Die." He said, snapping his fingers, telling the darkspawn to charge at him. They came in a giant half naked swarm, swords raised and claws bared. Even more began to pour in from behind, and even as Alex battled them, his high end game level and powerful magic helping him survive, he would realize that they were just going to bury him in bodies and eventually he would be crushed beneath their numbers, there were just too many.

Suddenly the floor quaked and shook, and a wall caved in nearby. the fighting stopped for a moment to behold the new fighter, and Shale stomped in, shake some dust off her shoulder. "Just like you weak little flesh bags, always running off by yourselves to get squished." From behind the golem roared Oghren, charging between the Golems legs and diving into the nearest darkspawn. "Ah warden! You cant start a good fight without me!" He yelled as he slammed his giant hammer into the balls of the nearest spawn.

Suddenly, screams could be heard from down the hall, darkspawn screams, and from the corridors and hallways poured in more spawn, chased in by armies of soldiers, some grey wardens among them, Alistar leading the bunch. "For the Wardens!" He yelled as he charged in, shield and sword in hand.

Now they had a fighting chance...but the iron masked man and Leliana where nowhere to be seen.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Animators! - by Maero - 01-28-2011, 03:07 AM