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Marrying the Enemy take two (private for shadowknight)
Bridget walked over towards her friend and someone who had became like family to her as well as the Drakes. "SHsss.. just let it all out," she cooed softly as she guided the young girl into the house and and to the nearest couch. Then she pulled her close so they could cuddle. She knew Casey was doing what he felt was best; but he could have been gentler about it than just growling at her.

Jessica just growled at what Casey had just done to Lube and glared at her mate in a warning fashion before walking in and heading up the stairs as she took off her own silver armband and changed quickly into her preferred state. The werelion was out for blood and until she had righted it she would not be satisfied. She opened the door to Lupe's room as she walked her claws clicking on the wood as she looked at the newlyweds. Then she heard Casey weeping softly.

Casey continue to weep softly as he nuzzled her cheek. When she spoke up wanting to know what happened. He knew he couldn't say anything fully coherent at the moment so stay silent. Then a minute passed and he spoke up, "Umm... we married... then I told Lupe I didn't feel nothing for her," he said softly. "Now did Lupe try to pull a prank on you?" he asked kinda confused as to what happened to Katt while she was away from him.

Jessica walked up behind the couple and slapped Casey upside his head. "You were quite heartless back there. Also I know love when I see and don't need the bond you share with those that your close to know that," she hissed. After a moment of regaining her composure, "Now then listen good and listen well. For werelions we don't meet our mate till they are chosen for us, that is a good thing because if you start out with more than one wife or husband at the beginning of the relationship, then all of you grow close together. All you have to do then is make time for the three of you and then as individual couples," she stated knowing how a pride works and giving then a way were everyone could easily win in this situation.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz

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RE: Marrying the Enemy take two (private for shadowknight) - by Casey the furry one - 01-24-2011, 01:04 PM