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Hidden Agenda(Private RP)
Name: Veronica Walker, The Last Witch of the 20th Century.

Gender: Female

Age: 109

Species: Witch

Affiliation: Hidden Agenda

Appearance: [Image: 85baf3b23f1b686e.jpg]

Background: Born in September 13, 1901, on a Friday, Veronica was the only daughter of Agatha Walker, the last survivor of the Salem Witch Hunts. When she was very young, she and her mother were captured by remnants of the draconian witch hunters looking for malevolent witches, where they were interrogated, tortured and raped. Her mother was then stabbed repeatedly before her eyes, and her face was marred by one of the witch hunters because "hags aren't meant to be beautiful".

Breaking her promise of only using her witchcraft for good, Veronica used her blood as a catalyst to invoke flames of vengeance, burning her captors alive. After escaping, she traveled the world, interacting with other supernatural creatures and rarely other witches, learning more and more spells and witchcraft to use. At the age of 23, she learned the spell that allows her to live much longer than humans, at the rate of 10 human years equating to one year for her.

At the age of 30, she started hunting "monsters" for superstitious people, from heartless spirits to the fabled Jersey Devil. At the age of 45, she started collecting regular people who would accept her and educate them on her kind, turning them into her apprentices, who would in turn start speaking on her behalf to the public, and to schools. It was a part of her plan to introduce cryptids to the public, in a new light.

At the age of 55, "Hidden Agenda" was founded to continue her work of protecting people, as well as benevolent cryptids' reputations, from evil cryptids, while Veronica herself disappeared for a while, sending instructions and finances to the organization via middleman.

At the age of 65, Hidden Agenda is going strong, but continues to exist under the radar, keeping cryptids a secret while researching and bringing them back for information. Veronica returns, and decides to start recruiting more people, including cryptids. Food and lodgings are offered to people who work at HQ.

At the age of 85, Veronica starts recruiting Furrans.

At the age of 100 to the present, there is an extreme spike in cryptid activity, and Veronica suspects something big is coming. Hidden Agenda will have it's work cut out for it, so Veronica starts hiring mercenaries as well.

Weapons: Various firearms with different kinds of ammo for different kinds of targets and traditional witchcraft.

Skills: Witchcraft, Black Magic, Gunslinging, Tactical Warfare and close quarters combat.

Weaknesses: Overconfidence, short temper, and computer rage.

Other: Do NOT ask about her scar. Theme 1, American Witch. Theme 2, Running From the Past.

~ ~ ~

Name: Gunter Valeriu

Gender: Male

Age: ??

Species: Homunculus/Chimera/Golem

Affiliation: Hidden Agenda

Appearance: 6'2, lanky teenager with pale, smooth skin, black, spiky hair with a pair of fringes framing his face, the roots of his hair are white, but fade to black as it extends to the tips. He has red eyes. Underneath his Agent Uniform is an outfit consisting of belts. Lots and lots of belts.


Mission Log 18: October 22, 1966

I, Hidden Agent Maximoff and my team of five other Hidden Agents have found the rumored "Vanishing Castle" of the Carpathian mountains. The circumstances that lead up to this point have been recorded in Mission Log 15 if a review of our actions is required. The locals beg us not to go, the devil's watchdog lives there, they say. Perhaps we will find a variant of hellhound there. We have a limited number of cow bones to distract it with, but a cryptid is a cryptid. We will go before the castle disappears in fifteen hours.

- - -

Not much is known about Gunter except that when the team came back, they brought him with them. He was welcomed into Hidden Agenda and made into an agent.

Weapons: ??

Skills: Appears to have psychic or magic abilities. Is also very durable.

Weaknesses: Pornography, Sweets and Advanced Technology. Also extremely naive and very gullible.

Other: Loves to hug. Theme 1, Loneliness. Theme 2, Hidden Agenda.
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
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Messages In This Thread
Hidden Agenda(Private RP) - by Bee - 01-12-2011, 11:46 AM
RE: Hidden Agenda(Private RP) - by Bee - 01-19-2011, 09:35 AM
RE: Hidden Agenda(Private RP) - by Frisk E. Coyote - 01-19-2011, 11:21 AM
RE: Hidden Agenda(Private RP) - by Bee - 02-01-2011, 03:24 PM
RE: Hidden Agenda(Private RP) - by Bee - 02-03-2011, 02:05 PM
RE: Hidden Agenda(Private RP) - by Bee - 02-19-2011, 06:18 AM
RE: Hidden Agenda(Private RP) - by Bee - 02-24-2011, 05:22 AM