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Steam World (A Crimson & Tigerlily RP)
Hyouzen nodded, feeling a bit embarrassed as he explained to Foria, "That's incredible, though it's kind of hard for me to believe. Most folks from my world are lucky to live to be one hundred."

"I didn't realize your powers took such a toll on your body." Jedrek looked towards Livian with concern, before suggesting, "I'll find you a place to rest soon." The shadow dragon looked towards Soljowl and Foria and asked, "It may not just be her though, this world's magic has been dying for some time, so I can't say what effect it may have on magic users from another world. Are you two still able to travel between worlds? We should get her back as soon as possible."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions

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RE: Steam World (A Crimson & Tigerlily RP) - by Crimson Fox - 12-12-2010, 07:08 PM