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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
"Angewomon!" Kari screamed as her digital partner lost all control, humping madly against the sand.

Angewomon gasped the vibration of the sand, feeling it's hum and power. She could hear its inviting music and wanted so badly to lose herself to it. She then lost all control as the sand began to fill her. She screamed and howled in pleasure, her self-control flung aside as she embraced orgasm after orgasm. She knew she was going to die if she kept at it, but there was no self control in her body. Only lust and pleasure.

She couldn't comprehend nor hear Erusemon, too mad with pleasure for anything that could resemble a coherent thought. She moved her body, in an attempt to increase the ecstasy, but found that it had all stopped. She had a hard time hearing Erusemon, but was able to get the gist of it. She looked at Kari and realized what she had though and sniffled, feeling her face become hot and tears roll down her face. "I'm sorry," she whispered, as she tried to control herself and stop her tears before the five minutes were up.

"Please, Master, don't do this! She's broken, she's yours, stop!" Kari begged, reaching to hug Erusemon's leg, crying and unable to take the sight of her best friend suffering in such a way.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.

Messages In This Thread
RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Animators! - by MasterZero - 12-04-2010, 05:00 AM