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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
"It was her choice." Erusemon reminded her. "You know, I actually ran a test on an earlier subject. I wasnt around to see it however, now we can watch what happened to her together." He said wickedly as he waved his arm and created a screen above all of them, displaying the the Digimon that stood in the center of the sand.

There, on the large display was a mirror image of Angewomon's own situation, only the girl trapped in the sandy arena was a Ranamon. Like Angewomon, she was completely naked. Her body was already submerged into the vibrating sand to her upper thighs, the soft blue ‘V’ of her womanhood just inches from the surface. It was easy to tell that the young woman was trying desperately not to move, but no matter how she fought to hold still, her body was ever so slowly inching into the erotic trap. The girl’s breathing was growing more and more labored as she watched her own demise approaching. And then she touched, her lower lips finally coming into direct contact with the pulsating sands.

The effect was instant. The Ranamon's hips jerked, twitching to escape the sudden stimulus without success. The motion caused the sand around her to liquefy slightly and she settled a quick two inches downward. But those two inches were the crucial ones, for now her whole flower was engulfed and suckled within the unstoppable pleasure. Almost immediately the girl’s head went back as her body shook in quivering orgasm. A moment later her voice bellowed out in ecstasy, it appeared that Ranamon were quite vocal.

In helpless horror, Angewomon would watch the fellow digimon sink to her belly button before finally coming to relative stillness once again. Only now, Ranamon was twitching and making little gasps for breath as she fought in vain to hold off the next quickly building moment of passion. She lasted less than two minutes before Angewomon would notice the girl’s body start to slowly undulate as her resistance failed and her hips moved against her will. And then all at once she jerked and screamed out in devastating ecstasy a second time.

It was sad, for now Angewomon would know the girl was doomed. She was literally fucking herself into certain death. Ranamon's arms had long since been mired in the sucking sands, so she was completely helpless as more and more of her disappeared from view. And then came the final blow. The moment her nipples were covered, she lost all control. With a look of surprised shock, the poor girl launched immediately into yet another orgasm and started gasping and tossing her head back and forth. She was struggling for all she was worth, and it only made her sink to her doom all the more quickly.

In moments her shoulders disappeared, then her thin neck inched into the deadly mire. When the sand had reached her chin, Ranamon briefly refocused in panic, but it was too late. There was only a slight pause before her eyes rolled back in one final moment of bliss and then was simply gone.

"Well, wasnt that entertaining?" Erusemon asked, watching to see Anegwomon;s reaction.

[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Animators! - by Maero - 11-26-2010, 10:03 AM