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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
"Excellent!" Erusemon said happily, getting up from his throne and taking Kari off his lap, laying her down on the floor. He waved his hand and summoned his minions. "Take all the girls here except for Kari and Angewomon to private cells. I will visit them all shortly." He said before taking out a leach and collar and putting it on Kari. "Come now my lap pet, on all fours, follow me." He ordered her before leading Angewomon and Kari down bellow the temple to what looked like a giant arena of sand. "Angewomon, please step into the center." He order. Once she did Erusemon would snap his fingers and the Sand would suddenly begin to vibrate and liquefy, sinking Angewomon very quickly almost halfway to her knees before the vibration stopped and Angewomon ceased her decent.

"OK, so this is how it will work. The chamber you’re standing in is a small scale model I made based of something I read once. I have been creating it for some time now in different programs, even before I gained my current power. My digital assistant, Melody, was in this very chamber when I activated it...purely accidental, I assure you. To my surprise, and hers, she sank slowly up to her waist while I watched. She was understandably panicked, but I was transfixed. The Machine used vibrations and water to liquefy Sand, making it into a sort of artificial quick sand. I had intended it to be used for capturing more women but this little accident revealed something else to me. You see, the machine seemed to work just fine, but of even more importance was what I noticed when Melody’s hips slipped into the sand. I thought, from the expression on her face that maybe she was being crushed, but was delighted to find that she was gasping in near ecstasy.

"It was the vibrations, you see. As soon as her pelvis entered the softened sand, those vibrations were passed right into her lap, and very efficiently. Even fully clothed it was like being submerged into a giant sexual stimulator. I sat there in amazement and watched her struggle and gasp and cum over and over as more and more of her body sank into bliss until I suddenly realized that she had completely disappeared from view. Needless to say, it is fatal to be trapped beneath all that sand.” Erusemon Smiled wickedly, pulling up another throne and sitting in it, bringing Kari up to his lap again.

"I have, since then, altered it a bit. I have changed the vibrations to suit my needs. Now it no longer causes the sand to liquefy, well, not by itself. I found that this capture device was much better suited for torture." Erusemon's smile only grew. "You see, the vibrations now cause the sand to make a very balanced solid matrix. Any good torture must be both physical and psychological to be effective. To that end, I tuned my sand so that it presented the possibility of survival, and dare I say it, suspense. I set it so that the tension is just enough to keep a given person standing on the surface from sinking… provided they could hold perfectly still. Any motion, no matter how subtle, and they would disrupt the matrix and slowly start to sink. A victim might be able to hold out for several minutes, maybe even hours while her hips are still above the surface, but as soon as her apex touches the sand…” Erusemon allowed Angewomon to put two and two together. The Sand would pleasure her, she would move, and in the end she may fuck herself to death.

"So then Anegwomon, shall we get started? Oh, and dont even think about using your wings. One flap, and Kari will lose all her fingers, so try not to move. Im setting the clock for....hmmm, lets say three hours." He took out a small timer and pressed it. "Now Angewomon, try not to move, not to shake, not even to breath. Every little movement gets you a little closer..."


"A-Alex I-" Tali was cut off as he pulled her into an embrace, crying out softly as she felt his hand land on her ass. "Sh-Sh-Shepherd-I-I mean Alex, this-This is too soon! I c-Cant!" She said pulling away. If she got free of him she would back up a little and look away, holding her arm. "Alex...even if...even if we didnt have bigger things to be doing, Im a Quarren, I wont survive outside my suit. This is all moving to fast Shepherd, I need time to think." She insisted.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Animators! - by Maero - 11-26-2010, 09:32 AM