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Steam World (A Crimson & Tigerlily RP)
The bandit stuck his tongue out. "Soljowl Lucky, yes not really a fitting last name...but I'm stuck with it; since it's father's last name." He ruffied through his cape and magically has a book which looked like it's been peeled from it's original covers and stapled with an actual typewriter papers. Along with what looks like a randomize letters that are pasted with power glue. "Hehehe every thief has their ways." Giving the book to Jedrek.

Livian smiled seeing how quickly they getting along, even Hyouzen seemed to be taking an interest on Foria.

"Hmm, you're asking me out on a date?" Foria grinned sensually. Her invisible wings roared as it visually come out of her back. "Sure, why not?"
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RE: Steam World (A Crimson & Tigerlily RP) - by tigerlily - 11-23-2010, 01:24 PM