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Steam World (A Crimson & Tigerlily RP)
"Well, I inherited my time and warped abilities from my father. I'm sorry it looks rather tiny right now but I could make it full view maybe next time." Livian felt as if they are distrauct by inparticular reference she presented. Though it really seemed they haven't learn much out of their world. Had they never learn much outside of there homeworld besides being here?

Livian beamly smiled, and rather overjoyed that Jedrek is coming along. "In my world fantasy and science can coexists. Everything can make sense while other becomes unknown, or a logic that doesn't required an answer. Everything can be old and new."


"Ancients what's that?" Foria frowned, feeling already not liking the situation.

Soljowl it might be a rather long story, so he tried to shortened it as best head can. And he can smell Livian is getting close. "A rather old folklore, ancients are live mechanical beings. Similar to an android but they are extremely powerful creatures. Tainted heavily on magic along with remarkable strength, they were revived for unspecified reasons. But they have one goal in mind; to secure the assortress from any one. Even it keeping that girl for all the eternity."
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RE: Steam World (A Crimson & Tigerlily RP) - by tigerlily - 11-11-2010, 11:58 AM