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Steam World (A Crimson & Tigerlily RP)
"Well, I guess you never been in space before." Livian had her tail twirling a bit. "It's a very vast, like an ocean but with stars, moons, and other planets. There's different species of every sizes and sometimes they have space platforms with highly advance technology." Suddenly creating an image out of her mind as she showed it to the two bulk males. It almost looked like a hologram; it is actually clearer. The building/ship with a huge glass material floated, just like a jellyfish. In there were buildings and people doing stuff like they normal people do. Then she disperse the moving picture.

"Me and Hyouzen, are going to Shibuya." Livian really wanted Jadrek to come along, even though he steal stuff. Atleast, he's helping a good cause.


Soljowl came back to Foria, there were officers checking out the place. But he played detective on them; showing fake legal documents so he could investigate(and able to steal all the important valuables)."Well their apprentices got killed not too far from their house. Only they were hidden well with untraceable scents that even dogs are useless."

"How can you tell? Your a dog too." Her eyebrow lifted somewhat.

"I'm better than a bloodhound, if I see a dead person I eat it up, let nothing go to waste." Soljowl made a toothly grinned.

Foria gave an utter shudder, trying to ignore the question if ate the victim or even eat dragons. "Do you know who did it?"

"They're is a undectable wretched mana smell. Something I'm not familiar with...but, this is a guess. It could be the ancients."
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RE: Steam World (A Crimson & Tigerlily RP) - by tigerlily - 11-10-2010, 03:32 AM