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Steam World (A Crimson & Tigerlily RP)
"No offense taken, my dear." Jedrek blushed a little from compliment before he regained his debonair tone and told her, "Thank you for your kind words." The shadow dragon allowed his tail to wag slightly, before explaining to her, "Hmmm, I'm not sure about the full workings of your world, but I don't think you need to worry about being kidnapped just to be used as a figure."

"Yeah, worst thing you have to worry about are thieves." Hyouzen was speaking to Livian, but he seemed to be accusing Jedrek, still wary of the gentleman thief.

"Really, I could have sworn the worst thing a young lady had to worry about were ruffians." Jedrek smirked towards Hyouzen, seeming to counter his insult with one of his own. After a quick chuckle, the shadow dragon looked over to Livian and asked her, "Anyways, might I ask where you're heading?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions

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RE: Steam World (A Crimson & Tigerlily RP) - by Crimson Fox - 11-09-2010, 02:47 PM