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A few thoughts.
Rape is a serious crime that is committed far too often by far too many people. Often, rape is never brought to trial as either the victim refuses to report it or that the police don't have enough evidence such a crime occurred beyond her word verses his and recommend the victim doesn't press charges the victim will end up verbally raped by the lawyer challenging her character.

Rape is also rarely a violent, grab the girl off the street, beat the shit out of the girl, and fuck her assualt. Rape is more often what we consider date rape. Where either the victim is left with no means of saying no or even after the victim says no, the sex continues.

(Note: by Chosen, I mean any main character partnered to a digimon in any season, including Tamers. I'm using Chosen to avoid calling them children when talking about them in adult ways.)

None of the Chosen would ever violently rape someone. At least not while in their right mind. With the Digital World involved, a Digimon like Devimon could possess a Chosen, the Chosen could be controlled by a digimon or a device like the Evil Spirals, or corrupted and made evil by such things as the Dark Seeds.

Ken would never dream of grabbing Hikari off the street and fucking her, but if the influence of the Dark Seed he once possessed became active somehow and he returned to being the Kaiser, he could very well decide to do that.

A Chosen date raping someone is also unlikely under normal circumstances. However, there are issues in Japanese life that can be used where the Chosen does end up having sex with an unwilling partner. Drugs and alcohol are both easily available in Japan with almost no drug awareness about the dangers they carry. With Yamato's band, the Adventures Chosen would have an easier means of getting ahold of the serious drugs, while in Tamers Juri has access to a bar full of alcohol. It is actually MORE likely that the Chosen would turn to drugs as they would seek forms of escape from mundane reality more than their classmates would. And with inhibitions lowered along with impared judgement, forcing sex isn't that unlikely.

Then there's another issue with Japanese culture. Saying 'no' is considered highly rude. A large percentage of unmarried Japanese women answered in a poll that they had sex with someone because they felt obligated to do it, not because they wanted to. They were invited over to a male friend's place and because they agreed to go, when he starts going after her sexually-- she believes it's too late to say no as she agreed to enter his home even though when she was asked in there was no context of sex given.

While Daisuke would not intentionally use this to his advantage, he could unwittingly end up having sex with Hikari because he kept placing her in a position where she thought it'd be rude to stop things from progressing.

Now let's look at the flip side: the victim.

I'll refer to the victim as a girl as the vast majority of rapes are committed by women and there are no laws against a man being 'date raped' in Japan (even by another man).

While the Chosen girl is less likely to be dragged off the street and raped by strangers unknown because she has a decent knowledge of self-defense learned from surviving the Digital World, it would still be possible. Not to mention Digimon might decide to it. The victim certainly would not enjoy this and would be mentally scared for life. She would fear a man's touch and would avoid even her lover.

Now a Chosen girl being date raped is still possible as well, and not just by another Chosen. She could be drugged into doing it or made to where she can't refuse. Still the girl would not enjoy being forced into sex. She would become withdrawn and grow distrustful of men. There is a chance the girl would shut herself emotionally off while being raped. She wouldn't like or dislike the feeling of sex, but does it mechanically.


(Archive falls off soapbox.)

Sorry about the 'yelling,' but the idea of a girl coming to love someone who is violating her body as if it was a blow-up doll is ludicris. Even if the girl knows her attacker, he is betraying her beyond words can express. And without trust, there can be no love. Even the idea of enjoying a guy using her cunt to masturbate, to use her as a thing not a person, is completely unrealistic. Unless the girl was a nympho who'd fuck any guy with a dick, which none of the Chosen are, it just simply would not happen.

For a girl to like being raped, a single encounter will not do it. She would have to be conditioned and functionally brain washed through repeated rapes occurring over a period of time until she has come to want the rapist to visit her.

Then there's the 'victim' not knowing she's being 'raped' because she wants the sex anyway and would've consented to it. But if the victim is already willing, then you can't exactly call it rape. ^^;

Personality of the victim also plays a factor. Hikari and Juri are less likely to be 'date raped' as they're less likely to be rude and say no to a boy trying to have sex with them and put up with being fucked non-consensually, while Mimi and Miyako would be much more likely to say no and enforce that position with force if necessary.

Messages In This Thread
A few thoughts. - by BGAGTGAB - 02-22-2003, 10:21 PM
[No subject] - by Lord Archive - 02-23-2003, 06:17 AM
[No subject] - by Waru_the_Magnificent - 02-23-2003, 07:59 AM
[No subject] - by Togashi - 02-23-2003, 10:47 AM