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Steam World (A Crimson & Tigerlily RP)
"Heh, I appreciate the offer, but you might need that money to pay a spell-caster to help you. Besides, I'm sure I can find some work in this next town." Hyouzen chuckled confidently as he entered the train car with Livian and had a look around.

It was a pleasant train car with wood paneling and some cushy red seats. Not many in the cozy train car, with just an slumbering, old badger riding near the front, and a ebony dragon riding near the back.

The debonair shadow dragon looked through his monocle at the scrubby looking water dragon and the oddly dressed dragoness enter the train car. Jedrek raised his newspaper and started to read again. That brute looks like he barely has a penny to his name, but the lass...ah, I'm sure she could spare a few gold dollars.

Hyouzen looked at the well dressed shadow dragon and grunted, not liking "fancy pants" characters like him as he walked to the other side of the car. He then turned to Livian and noticed the excitement in her eyes. "Heh, well someone's excited. Is this your first train ride, Livian?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions

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RE: Steam World (A Crimson & Tigerlily RP) - by Crimson Fox - 11-05-2010, 09:41 AM