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Steam World (A Crimson & Tigerlily RP)
Name: Livian Vandale
Gender: Female
Species: Windragon
Age: 18
Job: Warp and Time Traveler; Magical Swordswoman
Weapon Specialty: Double edge sword Light/Wind magic
Description: grey main clothing, purple align and some white, purple fur, white skin, and light purple boney wings with gold orbs. Purple feather ears with white tips at the end. Pink humanlike hair, and pink hair tai.

Bio: Livian is a sweet and kind, never hurts everyone unless there's a reason. However she tend to be hunted by people in her homeland due to her wing Gairunn(she did died and then revived and her brother was recarnatied as a baby brother). She's very adventurous and not afraid to try new things or experience around the world. However, her naive personality tends to get the better of her. Which is the reason why her father became protective around her espeically towards males. She is also known to be a HUGE target from Relics, as she had the power to destory the world.

Name: Foria Aspiro
Gender: Female
Species: Red Dragon
Age: 1100 years old
Job: Gunslinger
Weapon Specialty: Gunblade Earth/Fire element

Description: True Dragon Form: with white tips and red scales, Canine form:, Feline Form: Calico

Bio: Foria is a twin sister of her other sister Flora who is a golden dragon. Her family, friends, relatives, and love ones lost their lives due to her twin's skin. Which is considered more valuble for gold. Slowly their town protected the golden dragon; however, it is considered never safe for a a golden dragon to be left alone. Foria often considered a shadow of her sister yet she retained a inner being that takes over her sometimes and mostly in her Valkyrie form. She's rash, brash, spiteful, and likes to be considered dominate. Foria could live without solid food if she happen to drink alcohol.

Though despite acting tough deep down she hidden herself away the pain.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Steam World (A Crimson & Tigerlily RP) - by tigerlily - 10-28-2010, 05:47 AM