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When science goes right! (MasterZero & Salem)
Sonic and Knuckles obeyed and rushed up stairs, redressing and gathering supplies before returning. Tails meanwhile was shocked and horrified, but try as he might to break free he found his desire to stop King weakoning by the second and soon returned some of the kisses timidly.

Salem moaned with her new found power and grabbed Knuckles, lifting hir up and licking her lips "Now, it's time for your final punishment." she purred before lowering the echidna's feet into her mouth, moaning in delight as her lips and throat stretched to fit her meal in before she began swallowing her prey down inch by inch.
Lady Devimon's Minions

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RE: When science goes right! (MasterZero & Salem) - by Salem A. Delgado - 10-27-2010, 03:56 PM