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A Hero's Duty: A Zero and Maero Production
When Savior entered Hope's cell, he would find she was not alone. Hope was unbound, her bindings neither ripped nor damaged, it looked more like she had been freed, and she stood at her full height, her wings spread as she hissed at the occupant of the room. Although it may have been hard to realize it at first, it was indeed Dess who stood before her, tall and mightier than before. His skin was now a darker shade, his eyes glowing with a malevolent red. His wings were spread as well, and shadows waved and flickered about his obsidian feathers like slow moving flames. His every movement left an almost physical echo, and even his breathing made the atmosphere heavy. He was not naked, nor was he dressed in the chains he wore before, instead wearing some torn jeans and a black shirt he had probably stolen. Both emanated mist as though they were being frozen, and indeed that was not so far from the truth.

There was no hole in the wall or sign of forced entry, he had likely teleported here somehow, though how he had located this place was a mystery. Demon Flower growled and snarled, clearly possessed by her other nature, her eyes filled with mindless blood lust, and yet even in her insanity she seemed hard pressed to stand directly before the creature. Neither of them seemed to notice Savior's entrance into the room, both staring each other down, Demon Flower snarling like a wild beast, while Dess stood silently, uncaring or undaunted by her display.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: A Hero's Duty: A Zero and Maero Production - by Maero - 10-25-2010, 05:57 PM