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(A Silver and Zero production) Plaything
"The last would probably work...but still. They would notice that men were going missing after awhile, and again, they outnumber us by a lot. I dont think there are anymore wizards though, at least no more than two in the camp. We havent seen enough magic for there to be more than a maximum of two. No magical cages, golems, nothing. Its more likely that the man happens to be a Work Lord and a Wizard." The Shaman advised. "As for poisons. It may work, but it would put Tal in serious danger. If they found out they would slay him for sure."

Tal groaned and whimpered softly on the other end of the scrying circle. He had stayed awake almost all night keeping a vigil for his master so that he could see everything and everyone that passed. Tal was naturally tough, but after being fucked so much, tied up, beat, and sleep deprived even his cat slave body was starting to fail him. He was still hanging from the post, his eyes half open as he trembled in the cold mist of the approaching morning.

"We will need allies of some kind. We can send for more troops, but it will take them days to arrive. We could look for local allies but..well, our choices would be very limited. It depends, the slavers dont look like they are leaving any time soon. We could pack up camp and move further away, gather more information, and wait for the rest of are army to arrive. We dont know how the elves will view this though, but hopefully they would see the good in our actions. Still, that is only if you are willing to wait."

"Master..." Tal called weakly through his link. "Master...Im cold..." he subconsciously whimpered, shaking in his bindings.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

Messages In This Thread
RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Plaything - by Maero - 10-20-2010, 02:41 PM