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(A Silver and Zero production) Plaything
"Hmm, from what I can tell the humans out number us by a lot, at least forty to our twenty, and that isnt counting the troops still out in the forests." The Shaman said. "They seem inferior, but we out outnumbered two to one at best, and we shouldnt under estimate humans. Particularly if they have mages. That should be Tal's next direction. If he can entice one of the Work Lords to bed him, and thus buy him, they may take him to the more personal part of the camp and give us a much better view of the armaments and possible magic weaponry. Even so, it is likely we will require aid. Your orders sir?"
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

Messages In This Thread
RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Plaything - by Maero - 10-19-2010, 02:47 PM