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(A Silver and Zero production) Plaything
Tal moaned softly when he was kissed and licked and held his tail in his hands nervously as he was sent away, his ears lowered as he walked off into the forest. Tal walked for a little while before he cried out loudly in the forest, suddenly having his legs pulled out from under him and hanging upside down from a tree, having stepped into another trap. A few minutes later he was surrounded by gruff looking humans.

"What we got ere? Is it one O dem nymphs?" One of them asked, taking the backside of his spear and poking Tal lightly with it, making Tal whimper and try to curl upas he hung. "Nah, it aint one O dem, I seen da Nymphs afore." Another threw in. "Looks like a cat 'erson. What you reckon it is? Thinks we can eat it? Been week since we 'aught some'in to eat!" Tal whimpered weakly at that. He didnt want to be eaten, not be people! That was cannibalism, almost.

"Nah! We came 'ere for slaves!" An older one pitched in. "And this be a good en! Its one of dem Cat slaves, its like a magic slave! They last long and such. We can make some good money so long as its not claimed. You claimed yet?" Tal didnt know how to respond, though he was claimed, by the Master. Still, he meekly shook his head no, and cried out as he was cut down and a few men jumped on him and tied him up. One slung him over his shoulder and they began to walk back to their base. "Think's we can play with this en? Be awhile and the nymphs and elfs is tired and we cant bruise em or damage em or use em to much for sale." One asked. The old one nodded. "Up to da boss. But sos long as we use the sheep skins to cover ya snakes it shouldnt get claimed, so it should be ok."

Meanwhile, The Master and the Shaman watched all this happen from the Shaman's tent, where he had made a scrying pool to view from. They watched from Tal's own eyes as he was taken away and talked about. The Shaman also told the master that, through their connection, Tal could hear his words, if he wanted to instruct Tal more specifically.

(Want to play a human or the human boss?)
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

Messages In This Thread
RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Plaything - by Maero - 10-08-2010, 02:13 PM