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A Hero's Duty: A Zero and Maero Production
She smiled around his cock as he moaned and pulled away, kissing the tip. "Oh, you heroes are all so silly when it comes to these things, trying to pretend that you cant be corrupted or pleasured. I know the true you Savior, I know that you are enjoying this. Perhaps enjoying it almost as much as me." She then stood to and looked at his face. "Now, you can either open your eyes, or I can make your eyelids transparent." She threatened, fully willing to do so. If he forced her to then she would, and he would find himself able to see right through his own eye lids, no longer able to block out her sexy visage. "Come on, admit it, you want to see me naked." she said, leaning in close to him, her breasts pressed against him again, her lips brushing his.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: A Hero's Duty: A Zero and Maero Production - by Maero - 09-16-2010, 02:19 PM