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A Hero's Duty: A Zero and Maero Production
Savior was forced to pick the woman up, and as he ran, he would hear the zombies behind him. At last he would find a way into the alley, and exit through there. Surely out of breath from carrying the woman and being injured, he would find safety from the horde, for now.

"Thank you!" The woman said, holding onto him tightly. "Thank you for playing the fool." she added in a venomous voice as her hair changed color to reveal Dark Spell. Before he could drop her she would place her fingers on his lips and say "Shhhh now, dont make a sound. I will take care of you my dear savior." Savior would feel a heavy weight behind his eyes as the need for sleep poured over him in a way no normal human could possibly resist. "Sleep now." She commanded softly. "Sleep."


When Savior awoke he would find himself in a dungeon, an old looking one, and would also find himself chained to the wall. Ironic, considering this was how his captive normally woke up. "Are you awake now my Savior?" came the familiar voice of Dark Spell. She walked out in front of him from the darkness, swaying her hips seductive as she did. Dark spell wore only a green silk robe over her luscious body, and her large breasts and plump ass were clearly accentuated by the robe.

"Have anything to say?" She asked as she walked over to him. "Before I pull off this troublesome mask?" She was now right in front of him, her face barely an inch from his. The smell about her was sweet and thick, like strawberries.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: A Hero's Duty: A Zero and Maero Production - by Maero - 09-15-2010, 04:13 PM