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Under the Hill (Master/Slave RP)
Hi, so I really like fantasy genres and I would like to do a fey themed (this includes elves) RP... and I decided to move it here from the Fetish RPG since it wasn't really a fetish.

So, faries and elves attend gatherings where groups of 'pets' are brought in and can be bought and traded. Slaves can be either fey, human or halfling but Masters must be fey. As for the courts Seelie= the "good" faries, however all faries can be good or evil, Seelie just tend to be nicer. Unseelie= the "bad" faries

Description of Appearance (Optional)
Race (Fey, Human, Halfling )
Master or Slave
Turn Ons
Turn Offs
Court Affiliation (Seelie, Unseelie, None, or you can make up a name)
Description of Powers if Applicable
Brief History (Optional)
Name: Kell Cathors
Age: 17
Race: Halfling (Half-human half-fire fairy)
Sexuality: Straight
Turn Ons: Unsure, virgin
Turn Offs: Blood, a lot of pain, extreme bondage
Court Affiliation: None
Powers: Unknown for now, but when she experiences strong emotion she can create bursts of energy that look like sparks. Kell doesn't know she is a halfling, she believes she is completely human.
Name: Nephamael
Age: Unknown, he doesn't count
Race: Elf
Sexuality: Straight
Turn Ons: large breasts, screamers, light bondage, using his elements to create pleasure or pain in others, depending on if they piss him off.
Turn Offs: blood
Court Affiliation: Eastern Elf Kingdom, but he stays in the Unseelie court often
Powers: Has an affinity to fire and air, meaning he can manipulate the elements of fire and air. He can cause pleasurable heat inside of others causing them to climax faster.


Messages In This Thread
Under the Hill (Master/Slave RP) - by Mewmewchan - 09-12-2010, 11:05 AM
RE: Under the Hill (Master/Slave RP) - by johalt - 02-18-2011, 01:59 PM
RE: Under the Hill (Master/Slave RP) - by johalt - 03-08-2011, 02:12 PM
RE: Under the Hill (Master/Slave RP) - by johalt - 03-10-2011, 08:18 AM