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Passage To Bangkok(*explict*)
Warning: The following story features sexual situations between minors and persons above the age of 17 and drug use. If you do not want to read this story, then leave now. Please do not sue my ass, this is pure fiction. The events in this story, but have occured in the Vietnam War--though, it is estimated somewhat at 5%.

Passage to Bangkok
April 1, 1971
Bangkok Market

It was about the middle of the night, and some of the guys in my unit and myself crossed over from our base Da Nang, for some R&R from the perils of warfare , and have some time to fuck around. There was 5 of us: Myself (Carlos Martinez), Domingo Martinez, Shane Baker, Andrew McDonald—a blonde cracker, and Richard Greer—a cracker that was the oldest in our group at 20 years old.
As walked down the bazaar of merchants shouting their wares to the influx of people along the main street, a young hustler was shouting at us. We stopped and looked at this hustler addressing us.
“Hey Marine….” He clearly noticed our USMC uniforms as obvious signs that we are affiliated with the United States military. This young “hustler” seemed young—too young, if you ask me. I say, he was roughly around the age of 14 or 16, that is my estimate. He was short, spiked hair, black dress shirt and black shorts and brown sandals, and black sunglasses covered his eyes. He seemed somewhat older, for his youthful appearance.

“Hey Marine, you looking for a good time. I have girls—lots of girls—and some of this…..” The young hustler reached in the bottom of his stand and pulled out several bags of hash and heroin and other fine “goods” I hadn’t done in a while. “What you says Marines?” “You want some of this”
It was there: pussy and drugs. What more can we ask for? More pussy and more drugs to do.
Domingo intervened when he spoke, “Hey man, is some pure ass smack you given or its some weak ass smack. If we pay your scrawny ass, it better be some pure smack we are shooting up to.”
The hustler defended himself with his response, “Marine I have good stuff. My girls are fucking good, my stuff—points to hash and heroin—“is good, so do you want some of my girls and stuff for a good time, Marines. For all of you, I’ll charge you $50 for the group rate…”

Andrew interrupted the hustler’s last line. “Wait up..I never have done this before. I never had sex before and only done grass.”
A few of the guys laughed. And I responded back, “There is a first time for everything. What the hell did you during high school then? You weren’t on the football team or track team—or even the tennis team scoring loads of girls and their numbers. It’s time you left that shell of yours, and become a man.”
“I actually focused on my studies and played chess between times with different people. I did have a few relationships with girls, but it wasn’t sexual like this. I only done grass, but was just a small phase. But like you said, there is a first time for everything.

“I was going to call you a faggot if you didn’t actually get with a chick, but you proved me wrong man. Why the fuck did you play chess in high school? I mean, you could have been on the football team or basketball team. Chess is not even a fucking sport, its just some fucking board game.”
The hustler interrupted our little chat when he spoke aloud, “Marines are you done CHATTING or what? Do you want to have a GOOD TIME or not? You are wasting my fucking time with all your talking.What is it going to be? $50 for good time or nothing.”

I wanted to some pussy so bad right now and also get few hits here and there. I wanted some relief from all the turmoil from the front lines. At least some break from the thick dense jungle warfare that’s plagued me for nearly 9 months.

I replied back strong to the hustler,” Yes all of us want to have a good time. We would pay you right now, but you better give us the best fucking bitches you have—or I’ll crack your skull with my fist.” With that threat, it might have changed the perception of us by the young hustler, himself.
“Well…Marines you seem certain you want a good time now. That’s good. Then pay me now and you will the night of your lives.”
I had carried cash around for this type of stuff or whenever I needed to get something. My hand reached by back pocket for my leather wallet; and I reached around for my cash.
I paid the hustler in full and said, “Here! “

A now optimistic young hustler smiled and said “This is good Marines, real good. Follow me.” He grabbed his “powder” bags and quickly walked to the house that was in front of his hustling stand. It was a small house, to say the least. Inside, there was woman—I should say girls, young I say for the most part—lying down on several small beds. They were from ages of at least 13 to 17. They wore revealing clothing, which was just comprised of black panties and bras. To me, they seemed pretty decent and worth the price.
“Marines, how do you like my girls. Pretty damn well. When you want to…have fun just do it. I left my stuff out here-referring to the hashish and heroin bags. Enjoy yourselves. You all deserved it.”
I was getting fucking turned on by all these fine girls with their seducing appearance. I wanted them so fucking bad; a quick dash to the table when I grabbed a good helping of smack. I reached for my pocket for my trusty silver needle to enjoy my pleasure. Smack was loaded upon the top of the needle, and I proceeded to thrust my needle in my brown upper arm. First, I removed my combat shirt which left my brown under shirt. I pulled my shirt back to make a good spot to shoot up to.

With grace, I shot up the needle on my arm which entered the depths of my veins , which to me was sanctuary. One please down, another pleasure to go. A few of the guys followed suit what I did, and shot up with success. Andrew seemed hesitant to do heroin. I mean, he that schoolboy faggot image and he never got it out of himself. If he wanted to survive Vietnam, he’d have to shoot up at SOME point. Finally, I felt the heroin’s rush enter my body—the feeling of unending quench. I wanted those girls so bad, I just wanted it. I felt so sexually excited that I finally gave in.
I removed every piece of clothing still on my body. There I stood—bare brown skinned—in front of Thailand’s wonderful girls. Some of the girls dragged me down to one of the small beds and proceeded to please in front of their boss. He seemed to enjoy the success of his girls—or he wanted to “join” the “fun.” I wasn’t going to let this kid share my moment. The Thailand beauties proceeded to rub my brown cock and sack which intensified the pleasure I harbored. For being girls, they share know how to please a Marine.
“Do not STOP. Whatever you girls do not stop….that’s it….go for it.” They quickly rubbed faster and faster, and finally I just gave in and had an orgasm on the white sheets of the bed. My heart rate intensified form post-sex ventures from the girls. I needed a few to recover. The young girls quickly cleaned by accident up, by licking up the remnants of my juices.
The rest of the other guys—besides McDonald—joined and have sex with several of the wonderful girls that surrounded us. They provided oral sex and also a few hand jobs here and there. Though, it wasn’t the pleasure I wanted. I wanted them to really FUCK.

I wasn’t focused on that cracker McDonald wondering off and barely getting a hit; that notion never phased. All I wanted was just a few fucks and at least some hits of whatever I could get. McDonald acted like a complete pussy, he wasn’t a real man if he didn’t get laid by a girl. What he say, “I had a few relationships in high school…” Such bullshit, I bet he was chocking on a sausage behind the gym. Somebody had to snap this blonde schoolboy out of his shell. It wasn’t going to be my ass.
I recovered from my post-orgasm and proceeded to intensify this fuck, with more fucking. I ripped the the both girls that played with me of their panties and bras, and proceeded to fuck them dry at once. It was a first for me, to fuck two girls at once; but there is always a first for everything. I forced myself my brown dick in one of them, and then switch it to another girl. It was a double fucking, and I loved it. I kept dicking them; in and out; until they both spilled their pinkish juices right in the bed. I enjoyed them wetting the bed so much when cummed. The girls stopped to rest from the intensity my dick had on their barriers. I guess they were not use to a cock that size before. I was like a fucking stallion out in the bed.

Moving on to how the rest of the guys were doing. They seemed in the same position. Domingo used force and punishment on his girls. He struck his three girls—lucky bastard gets three girls—with his leather belt and they enjoyed their beatings which intensified his pleasure. It seemed to puzzle me, that why Domingo enjoyed to use punishment when he fucked. I guess he done that with his ex-girl friends or something. I never asked him that shit before we were in Thailand. Shane was a fucking maniac screwing his girls. He managed to ram his dick in the asses of both of his girls. Fucking a girl in the ass is proving your dominance to a woman. Richard Greer—the tall spiky blonde hair cracker from Dallas—took his time his two girls. He fondled them all around their breasts which made them shriek and moan pleasurably. He wanted them to release their pleasure in the bed with all the movement in the body. Greer was a fucking animal when it comes to fucking, I mean he does it slow—yet he’s an animal. Lastly, McDonald still was in his shell. He stood in awe of this display of debauchery by his fellow Marines. He wouldn’t snitch on us to the Staff Sgt for our little “actions” that could get us court martial in a military tribunal; no, he seemed to follow us around whenever we done anything. It’s like he wanted to do it, but backed out the last second. He seemed to just “watch” the whole time—more like viewing everything unfold in front of him. It was getting tiring to see this blonde cracker, to just stand and not utter a word to us and the girls. It seem like he was in a shell and refused to leave the shell.

Suddenly, I heard a small conservation between one of the girls and their manger in Thai—I think it was in Thai. They were pointing at McDonald, and I could hear the hustler say “Well…have some fun with the blonde boy. “
That same girl took McDonald by his white arm, and tossed him down in bed. I guess she wanted to please her boss, with this service. The Thai was the dominant one; she quickly held McDonald down and stripped him of his clothing, she quickly removed her own. McDonald was whimpering in a sort of feel, b y the dominance of this young girl that forced herself on this white boy. For being 18—barely 18—he acted more like he was 12—to say the least. The girl quickly stroked his flat white cock, and caused this white boy to moan and shout in pain. She struggled to keep him from getting up from the bed, but managed to keep him down when she punched him in his teeth. She was so adamant to satisfy her young boss, which she sucked on the cock of her white patron. Sucking like a lollipop which intesisfied the fucking. Finally, the apex was reached and white patron shot his liquid into the Thai’s mouth which she did with gusto.

McDonald looked in horror and disgust of what transpired. He had a busted, somewhat bleed in his mouth, he barely did heroin, and he had sex with a Thai girl. McDonald look mortified of his actions. He look down at the juices left over from the fucking and just want to blank the complete memory from his mind.
“What did I do?”
“This isn’t how I was brought up in Baltimore by my parents” He asked himself while the Thai cleaned his mess up at his cock. McDonald had a blank look expression upon his face as was positioned naked on the white sheets of the bed.
“I feel so disgusted right now for evening following these fucking animals. But why did I feel like I enjoy this so much?” A few minutes later, he got his bare white skin off the bed and got him clothes back from his girl—who seemed well mannered than before, and gave him his clothes back. He managed to get all of his clothes back on himself.

“I’m never following you guys back to Thailand for R&R. You guys are FUCKING animals. If I could, I would report to Staff Sergeant Patterson and have you guys court marshaled; but as you guys put me in a Catch-22 hold, so I would forget about this event. But then again, I sort of did it enjoy it—somewhat. It was just barbaric how most of you guys treated these girls, you could have at least have some restraint.
Domingo replied back,” Look man, it was R&R and we just wanted to have a good time and we sure as had a good time tonight. This young pimp gave us smack and hash and pussy; and we used it to ourselves. Maybe, we should toned down this fucking down..”

The young hustler replied back, “Marines, you were just buzzed up from your smack and hash and you have your fill with my girls. It happens to most of everyone that meets with my girls. And some of the girls had used before you all arrived. Everyone fucked here; yet, everyone still had a good fuck, now did we not.” He laughed.
“I had a good time”, Greer spoke a loud while half dressed, “My girls and I both enjoyed our fuck. Well…we should have used in moderation though like McDonald said.

Maybe the hustler and Greer were right, we all were all high—everyone that is—and had the extreme rush to just fuck the first thing we saw. To mention it now, I probably had the best fucking of two other girls that I had in my life. I was fucking like a stallion and I was dominant. That’s what fucking is all about right there.

I spoke now as I was completely dressed, “McDonald—my White brother—we didn’t know that we fuck this rough as we had done today. When you mix drug and sex, the combination doesn’t blend right. Just ask the Rolling Stones. Maybe we should have controlled ourselves more, at least moderation like you said. McDonald, I’m surprised you partially enjoyed this; at least, you can yourself a fucking man and got a splice of pussy. At least you somewhat, had removed yourself out of that schoolboy shell—at least made a brief attempt. Next time, we would try to moderate ourselves.”

McDonald, still somewhat calm and neutral, responded, “Well..I hope you guys control yourselves next time; it seem like we took it to an EXTREME. Even though we broke several laws within the Geneva Convention and The International Declaration of Human Rights; I somewhat enjoyed it—in a somewhat extent speaking. Though, you may want to keep it to the chest all you do here. Do not mention to anyone beside everyone within this room. I would revise my previous statement, and would continue to do this if you do one thing.
I responded, “What is that?” I asked.
“Only the five of us, will know of this incident. Do not tell anyone at Da Nang. No NCO(s), Warrant Officers, Commissioned Officers, Deputies, or any other person there. No one. If anyone were to find out, what we did, we would be sent to Camp Lejeune for 20 yrs.”

“I’m sure as hell; I’m not spending a day in jail for this. You motherfuckers keep this shit to yourselves. Don’t be blabbing to the guys about it.”, Greer reiterated to the 5 of us together in the room.

“Are you Marines done or you about to leave, or you want more?” the young hustler asked.

I replied back, “We had our good share for one night. It was great to have a little fun here, but its time to cross the border back.”
The hustler bowed in a somewhat respectful manner, “It was an honor serving you all. My girls and I wish you well in the battle front. “
With that in mind, the five of us made the nearly 4 hour trek back to Da Nang. That night in Bangkok is a night, I’m sure I’ll never forget. A night of debauchery all around, yet I escaped the perils of war; and had a complete of drugs, sex, which I’ll never fucking forget in my life. What a fucking night.

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Passage To Bangkok(*explict*) - by grandphoenix1 - 09-09-2010, 03:36 PM