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A Hero's Duty: A Zero and Maero Production
Sarah would quickly slip into the pants and shirt, doing her best with what she had. "OK...Thank you." She said past her blush. Being carried around, helpless and naked was not her ideal form of travel, and she was more than happy to have some clothes. "I suppose you want to know why I became skull now right?"

She would the proceed to tell him her tale. She was raised in a family of crooked politicians, and she hated it, and always wanted a way to get back at her father for forcing his life on her mother and herself. When she was just a small girl, her body guard began to teaching her lessons on how to defend herself, and so began her training. She was a martial arts expert by the age of thirteen, and a master of several forms by the time she was twenty. When she became twenty two she decided that her time for waiting had ended.

She was sick of watching her father win, making under the table deals and even rigging the elections in his favor until he was finally, and unjustly named Mayor. She wanted to take him down, but one thing stopped her from simply exposing him. Her sister, sweet Silvia, was to precious to her. She knew that if their father was exposed, then she would suffer, and her lifestyle and reputation would be destroyed due to being the daughter of a crooked mayor. Sarah could handle that, but she knew Silvia could not.

So instead she took up the mask, Skull, and began her revenge. Skull was infamous for robbing banks, kidnapping political leaders, and other such anti government activity. Her whole plan was this, keep her father in office for her sisters sake, while torturing her father with a constant stream of problems. She killed tons of cops, most crooked and eating out of her father's hand, but was unafraid to kill innocents in the process, this was about her vengeance, not them.

She wanted to watch her father squirm under the pressure, while at the same time knowing he would never give up his position for even his own well being. For this reason she can not go public, nor allow her sister to know that Skull and Sarah where one and the same. When Demon Flower kidnapped Silvia instead of her father, Skull was about to cut her demonic head off her shoulders, but Savior got to her first.

Also, she mentioned that, if her father found it, there was a very large chance her disappearing suddenly and without explanation. Sarah's father had many connections and would not hesitate to send his own daughter to Guantanamo Bay if that was what it took to insure she no longer endangered his career. But as long as Silvia was spared the knowledge of Skull, and problems of poverty, Sarah was willing to disappear.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: A Hero's Duty: A Zero and Maero Production - by Maero - 09-01-2010, 07:42 AM