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Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge)

"Ah, that is a good point, but somehow I don't see many travellers stopping here to just nab a book to read," Ardeal replied. "This place is more like a scholar's dream, and every scholar knows the entire ancient language by heart. I guess we'll have to see when we get there." As the trio approached the library, something seemed wrong. At the top of the steps leading up to the entrance of the mighty building stood two people: one was a female wearing long crismon robes with white arcane glyphs upon it and the other was an old man with white hair wearing robes also, but of a cerulean color with silver wave patterns upon it. He adjusted his spectacles as he talked sternly to the woman. It seemed as though they were having an argument. As the group drew nearer, they could hear what the two were saying.

"...and that means no one can enter," the old man snapped. "I've told you countless times that there is no point.

The female casually ran a hand through her long, blonde hair. "I've had enough excuses out of you. I wish to enter the library and so I am! You can't stop me, and if you do, I will use my authority to place you under arrest." With that, the woman made an attempt to get past the man and open the door to the library, but he stood in the way. The woman scowled. "Enough." Suddenly, four thick tomes popped into existence and began floating around the woman. "I'll show you what interlopers get as a reward!" One of the tomes stopped its orbit and remained floating in front of the woman. With a wave of a hand, the tome opened, the pages immediately glowing red as they flipped about wildly.

The old man started sweating. "P-please....I-I was only doing what I was told to do..," he pleaded.

"Too late. Flames of Hell rise to claim another victim who has fallen in the depths of sin! INFERNO!!" she spoke her incantation causing a surge of flames to spill from the tome and wrap around the old man in a fiery vortex.

"No!" Solia screamed. "Leucaspis!" Solia raised her hand and directed it at the old man. A white rectangle of solidified mana appeared to block the flames. Though the rectangle shattered due to the power of the woman's spell, at least the man was unharmed.

The woman turned to look at the Solia, her books calmly floating around her. "And what, may I ask, are you doing interfering with something that most certainly does not involve you?" she asked venomously.

"She saved my life! That's all that matters!" the old man cried out in joy, but was silenced by an angry glare from the woman in the crimson robes.

(Northern Coast)

The path kept fairly straight and eventually led to their destination: the northern coast. Soon, the path disappeared and was replaced by sand and more tall grass. The air was filled with the smell of the ocean. Farther down, the sand started to disperse and large rocks took dominance over the shore.

"Well, it seems we've made it," Alexander stated flatly, completely unenthusiastic. "Not a lot to see here, either." Out across the ocean, far out in the deep waters, two bodies of land could be seen. "Hmmm, those two islands...," Alexander mumbled aloud.

"What about them?" Ariadne spoke up, shielding her eyes from the sun as she gazed out across the ocean as Alexander was.

"I forgot what they were called, but I've heard that several anthro tribes inhabit them. Though I can't remember the names of the islands, I do know that one was named after 'thunder' and the other was named after 'lightning.' It's been a while since I've really studied geography, so don't quote me on that."

Ariadne plopped down in the sand. "Phew...well, we don't have to worry about them. We're s-setting up camp here, r-right? It's been a long day." In the distance, the sun was slowly making its way to the horizon. The sunset was approaching.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!


Messages In This Thread
Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - by Masquerade - 11-06-2008, 01:55 PM
RE: Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - by Masquerade - 08-22-2010, 03:14 AM