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Shin Megami Tensei RPG: Digitized Terror.
Sacchi looked up upon his shadow, his words made sense, they ringed in his mind, he heard them again and again... But then he realized...

"...The world would be better off with me?" He said

Sacchi slowly got up, and looked his shadow straight in the face.

"Funny isn't it? How a single sentence can turn the table?" Sacchi started to laugh like he was a maniac "If you're really me buddy, then tell me. What are you forgetting?" Sacchi grinned "I do not know about these people, I don't even know about my own parents. However, if there's one person I have to trust in, a person I know who will always trust me, and a person who needs my help... It's him."

The place suddenly flashed, for a split second there were several doctors and a guy, about 17 years old on a hospital bed, before the place turned into the Weeping Lily Meadow again.

"He gave me this life, I owe my life to him, My life would have no significance without him... I was a coward, I made a mistake... But that's no reason to stop living!" Sacchi started to glare at his shadow "If I really thought of suicide, I would have gone to the Tree-Ocean of Hourai a long time ago! Just because I was a coward for a single moment he is in this state, even if it is my fault, IT'S STILL NO REASON TO COMMIT SUICIDE!"

His sanity was coming back into shape, the weeping lily meadow shattered, the black room was back, and it suddenly turned into the hospital room, there were no doctors this time, only one, lone guy on the hospital bed.

"Do you understand why I have to keep on living...?"

Another Sacchi, a projection of him entered the hospital room and sat near the hospital bed. This was simply the manifestation of one of Sacchi's memories.

"Do you understand why I have to trust others...?"

Sacchi's projection left the room after some crying, the place shattered again in the black room.

"After that day I tried to run away, to run from my problems, I thought I wasn't strong enough to face them. Thanks to you I have recovered such memories... And Thanks to you I now know why to keep living."

Sacchi starts to laugh, he notices how things are right now. "Suicide was just the best way to run from everything, and make sure not to get into any troubles. But now I have a reason for living again, running away at the first problem isn't gonna cut it, he has gone through so much because of me, and I can't run away now. I have to stop blaming myself for what happened that fateful day... And besides, he can't be my only friend, it's only common sense to have lots of them, right? First step is to trust in yourself, second to trust in others." Sacchi takes his magnum and points it to his own head "I feel kind of ashamed though, it was needed for my freaking shadow to come here and make me realize it, kinda embarrassing if you ask me." He points the magnum to the ground.
Now major Joshua and TWEWY fan.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Shin Megami Tensei RPG: Digitized Terror. - by Sacchi - 08-10-2010, 05:42 AM