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Agh! Need Advice! Help!
Hey guys,

More complaints about my life, which just got a lot more complicated. So it all starts on Tuesday, August 3rd. My father came to me and told me that I need to get more friends. He thinks that since I don't have people that I can get together with at any point of the day, I don't have friends. I have friends that if I have a problem, I can go to them about it. Not if I have a passive want to be around somebody, they will come running over. That is what I consider friends. But he says, and I quote: "If you don't get more friends, you are going to look back on your life and cry!"

So that was incredibly un-encouraging. Then on Wednesday, August 4th, my cousin, who is practically my brother, so he will take the name Hapi, has an "emergency". So I literally ran three miles to his house, because the car wouldn't start. When I get there, it finds out that he just wanted to hang out. So I stuck around to hang out, until about two in the morning, today. So he says that I should just stay the night. So around three this morning, I'm about to fall asleep when he says this:

Me: Goodnight, Hapi

Hapi: Dude, you know your friend, Khaybat?

Me: Yeah, what about her?

Hapi: I was texting her the other day, she told me that she wants you and that she was gonna e-mail you a bunch of nude pics to prove it.

Me:*sits up, alarmed* What?! Your full of shit!

Hapi: Go check your e-mail.

So I go to check it out knowing the pics won't be there. They weren't. So I go back and tell him, so he starts texting her and asks her this Question:

Hapi's text: Did you send Dua those nude pics of yourself?

Khaybat's text: No I haven't got a chance yet, I'm camping. I have to go, but I will send them on Monday when I get back.

So now I'm conflicted. If I have sex with Khaybat, the friendship that I have with her, the one that I have come to cherish, will be changed forever. Further more, she is one of those girls that hates all of her ex's, so if I mess up, I lose her forever. She is one of my best friends and I have never thought of her romantically, but I guess that i could work. But I really don't want to jeopardize our friendship. I also don't want to disappoint her.

Once next Monday rolls around, It is only a matter of time before I am faced with this choice.

What should I do? Please, please reply!!
[Image: Rainbow_Dash_haters_gonna_hate.gif]

See that guy, he's a drifter! But drifting leads to Bickering, Bickering leads to Karate, and Karate leads to flying around between windows and shit! Then a big guy starts shooting lightning everywhere and Kurt Russell Shows up and Kicks his Ass!

Messages In This Thread
Agh! Need Advice! Help! - by Adym - 08-06-2010, 04:12 AM
RE: Agh! Need Advice! Help! - by Takatofan1986 - 08-06-2010, 05:33 AM
RE: Agh! Need Advice! Help! - by Adym - 08-06-2010, 05:39 AM
RE: Agh! Need Advice! Help! - by MagusKnight - 08-06-2010, 10:54 AM
RE: Agh! Need Advice! Help! - by Adym - 08-06-2010, 11:28 AM
RE: Agh! Need Advice! Help! - by Wisemon - 08-06-2010, 12:13 PM
RE: Agh! Need Advice! Help! - by Adym - 08-07-2010, 12:04 AM
RE: Agh! Need Advice! Help! - by Yumi - 08-07-2010, 12:24 AM
RE: Agh! Need Advice! Help! - by Adym - 08-07-2010, 12:26 AM
RE: Agh! Need Advice! Help! - by Yumi - 08-07-2010, 12:28 AM
RE: Agh! Need Advice! Help! - by MagusKnight - 08-07-2010, 07:10 AM
RE: Agh! Need Advice! Help! - by Adym - 08-08-2010, 12:35 AM
RE: Agh! Need Advice! Help! - by UnknownH - 08-08-2010, 01:44 PM
RE: Agh! Need Advice! Help! - by Adym - 08-09-2010, 03:06 AM
RE: Agh! Need Advice! Help! - by Asesino - 08-09-2010, 04:04 AM
RE: Agh! Need Advice! Help! - by Adym - 08-09-2010, 04:13 AM
RE: Agh! Need Advice! Help! - by UnknownH - 08-09-2010, 01:42 PM
RE: Agh! Need Advice! Help! - by Adym - 08-09-2010, 11:46 PM
RE: Agh! Need Advice! Help! - by UnknownH - 08-10-2010, 01:39 PM
RE: Agh! Need Advice! Help! - by Jack_Pholph - 08-10-2010, 02:31 AM
RE: Agh! Need Advice! Help! - by Adym - 08-10-2010, 02:39 AM
RE: Agh! Need Advice! Help! - by Jack_Pholph - 08-10-2010, 03:01 AM
RE: Agh! Need Advice! Help! - by MagusKnight - 08-10-2010, 06:28 AM
RE: Agh! Need Advice! Help! - by Soma Cruz - 08-10-2010, 09:31 PM
RE: Agh! Need Advice! Help! - by Adym - 08-11-2010, 04:12 AM
RE: Agh! Need Advice! Help! - by Soma Cruz - 08-11-2010, 08:01 AM
RE: Agh! Need Advice! Help! - by UnknownH - 08-12-2010, 01:21 PM
RE: Agh! Need Advice! Help! - by MagusKnight - 08-12-2010, 10:25 PM
RE: Agh! Need Advice! Help! - by Soma Cruz - 08-13-2010, 06:43 AM
RE: Agh! Need Advice! Help! - by Adym - 08-14-2010, 12:13 AM
RE: Agh! Need Advice! Help! - by Frisk E. Coyote - 08-14-2010, 01:40 AM
RE: Agh! Need Advice! Help! - by Adym - 08-14-2010, 02:11 AM
RE: Agh! Need Advice! Help! - by Frisk E. Coyote - 08-14-2010, 04:08 AM