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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
The man smiled and held up his hand, creating a portal. He slipped through it and fell into the Pokemon world, where he changed his appearance into that of a young 15 year old, with Pokeballs filled with powerhouse pokemon. He was not to far from Ayako's house and made it so he had came in a point of time where Dawn was on her way, but he would still have days until she got here. With an 'innocent' smile on his face, he walked over to Ayako's home, knocking on her door.

((Loves her daughter, is famous for winning this sort of region tournament for Pokemon Coordinators, which means she trained her Pokemon to make beautiful effects with their powers, instead of using them to fight. Has been known to leave home for her own adventures, so I assume she loves freedom. There's more info here. Dawn is more carefree and happy go lucky. She also cares a lot about her appearance, to the point where she doesn't let other look at her until she's combed her hair. She's inexperienced, but remains confident in herself. Here's her link.))


To Erusmon's shock, or joy, he would find Renamon wasn't a virgin. She would moan and attempt to kick him, failing of course, and her blush grew even hotter. "I'll kill you," she moaned, as her G spot was rubbed and played with, her hips moving on their own to gain more pleasure.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.

Messages In This Thread
RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Animators! - by MasterZero - 08-01-2010, 09:10 AM