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ADaD Side Story: Facing the Darkness of Fate...
Roxas gave a shout of surprise as he didn't expect the attack from another cat girl. Dropping both Stella and Alicia as he fell, he managed to scoop up Alicia but was unable to get the other back, as the one who attacked her was dragging her away. Growling a little, Roxas leapt away to find a good hiding spot for Alicia. Finding a small cave about a mile away, he goes in it and sets her in there flat on the ground. Reaching behind him he starts pulling some of his web strings to make a makeshift barrier for her until she wakes up "Stay safe..." He said as he finished. Leaping back out, he tries to quickly track down the cat girls that got away from him to get Stella back for questioning.

*Outside the base*

Lunaris heard something from behind her. Pulling Starlight with her, they hid behind one of the crumbling brick walls of the ruins.

"What was that for Luna-?"

"Quiet." Lunaris said as she put her hand over her sister's mouth. They looked on to see two cat girls, one they saw from before being dragged back to the ruins by the other. The two looked almost like twins themselves, Lunaris noticed.
Nyaa... Will be around but not very much.
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RE: ADaD Side Story: Facing the Darkness of Fate... - by Chaotic Phoenix - 07-28-2010, 02:52 PM