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Shin Megami Tensei RPG: Digitized Terror.
OOC: Guys, feel free to customize your characters' rooms to your aesthetical likings. (As in, feel free to add buildings, to turn the particular room into a cave, forest, whatever your characters' inner problems reflect) If you want me to do it for you for any particular reason, just PM me!


(Velvet Room)

"Ah, marvelous!" Igor delightfully smiled and clapped his gloved hands together twice, "You two have summoned your Personae!"

Dorothea put aside her cup, which all of a sudden digitized and faded into indiscernable particles, "Remarkable," the woman said, taking a step forwards again, reaching outwards with an open palm to absorb the glow of the cards to her fingers, which she then pressed onto the compendium, which then promptly closed.

"Now, I am sure you must feel tired after this taxing experience, but I am afraid that your powers will not keep you safe from much longer in the real world, you two must wake up and attend to your responsibilities," Igor said with a smile that lacked purpose or intent, "Worry not, we shall take a look at your progress, and each time you acquire a new power, Dorothea here will make sure to make a record of it. For now, hold on to these."

After the blue cards vanished from sight and empowered both Ayami and Hori respectively, two new, velvety sparkles appeared in front of their eyes, forming two identical, small keys that hovered not very far from their faces.

Igor continued, "The next time you come here, it shall be of your own free will. Farewell for now. I have a feeling you two will be very interesting guests. Hmhmhm."

Everything began to fade from that point onwards.

(Digitized Plains)

"The call... answer the call... I am hungry..." a black figure said from the center of the plains, its blobby midsection projecting particularly darkened tethers of energy that were keeping every single door that surrounded the area locked, some black energy being poured into these tethers and slowly being absorbed by the blob.

(Hanged Man Room)

"Heh. I'm glad we agree on what a loser is," Kou's warped voice paused.

(Devil Room)

"Am I?" Shirou's warped voice snarled back, "Maybe YOU are the shadow, instead! Always sulking about health, always giving in to the temptation of just considering yourself different just because you're handicapped. That's how you really feel, don't you? "Let's show them what I can do." My ass. And do you know why all this is true?"

(Moon Room)

"To what end?" Hakatsu's warped voice countered, "They don't want anything to do with you. We aren't anyone special. And we always kill whatever kind of chance we get at being social with our remarkable skills at being dicks. They probably all just think I'm an empty shell, never talking, never telling them how I feel about anything. I must be a coward! Hiding behind an illusion of being strong-willed while all there is in me is an endless sea of sorrow, washing over this self-pity I'll never be able to get away from. I must torture myself, make it so nobody else has to suffer like me. If I show I'm inhuman, maybe they'll think I'm better. That has to work! That's what you're thinking, isn't it? And isn't it curious how I know all of this? Well, that's easy to answer..." it paused briefly.

(Strength Room)

"Ah! Of course. Why don't we just speak rationally, hm? After all, that's your way of proving anyone you're always calm and collected, right? Hee-hee, but you can't fool me. After all, Yui is so much more popular than we are, boys flock over her and her flexibility... it's not fair that she's got so much more than we do, and yet, we're smarter than her, and we're not getting any attention!" Hoshi's warped voice cried with growing desperation, "Smarts aren't as good as looks in here. With my so called 'superior' intellect, I should've guessed that right off the bat. But what else can I do? I don't have that kind of confidence... And you know all I'm saying is true," it paused.

(Hyerophant Room)

"Haha! Yes! I almost had forgotten! How could I ever forget how easy it is to always do the right thing? Oh wait," Samui's warped voice began cackling in delight as it seemed, "When did I ever do the right thing? Let's go and threaten the upperclassman with half-assed arguments to involve ourselves with his own half-assed arguments! What a delightful conversation! Hey, you know what we should've done? We should've punched him. After all, that's all I wanted to do. I wanted to seize control of the situation, and I wanted everyone to do what I had in mind. But I'm such an insignificant little person. All I'll ever be able to do is to speak, because that doesn't require any effort, right? Doing things out silly emotions... Now that's something different! Maybe we should try doing that more often. Why, you're thinking that you'd like to punch me instead, aren't you? Well, I've got news to you, my narcissistic friend. You won't want to do that..."

(Priestess Room)

"Aw, yes! Let's act all tough and brave now. Cute guys like that, don't they?" Myojin's warped voice taunted, "I'm so useless. I can't even lie to myself! Puh. All I ever wanted was to be accepted by people as I was, but all I always manage to do is push those that want to be around me away. Girls are stupid, they're always talking about petty things I don't care about. Who wants to be pretty? Who cares about clothes? They can all go to hell. Men understand me better, but... They don't want a 'different' girl. They don't want me. I suck. That's why nobody loves me, that's why I need to victimize myself, and that's why I'll always sob to myself in order to make everyone near me out of pity... Boo-hoo! I'm so lame. Do you want to know why?"

(Sun Room)

"If all I'm spouting is bullshit, why so agitated, buddy?" Hei's warped voice continued without any apparent intention to stop, "I've beaten up many people because I didn't like them. Why? Because they used to be bullies. Something felt wrong all of a sudden at that point though. Bullies beat up people because they don't like people. Did that make me any different?" the voice asked, "Now here I am, seeking redemption in myself, when I perfectly know there is no such thing. My revelation is this: I'm scum, and I should've never attempted to become stronger," the voice cackled more at Hei's restlessness, "What's wrong? I thought I didn't know anything about you. Or maybe, this all is true..."

(Temperance Room)

"Hehehe. Still trying hard to catch, that's fine. I like that about us," Sacchi's warped voice amusedly said, "After all, what's better than a challenge I can put ahead of myself, thinking I can best it without any effort? That's all there really is to it, isn't there?" the voice paused, "But nothing is enough. Nothing ever is enough. That's why this 'trust' is only a fleeting sensation I'm using to defend myself. This isn't a challenge I can easily best it, let alone on my own. That's why I need people around me, but I'm alone now. Nobody will trust me, and I'll continue fooling myself until I'm lost to insanity, that bullet in the magnum keeps becoming more and more of a pleasant solution, doesn't it?" the voice softly laughed, "What's the matter? Afraid? I don't think you want to see who I am, because you keep fighting a losing battle against your own wits. But I'll amuse you..."

(All Arcanna Rooms)

From the darkness within the respective rooms, a total of ten figures emerged out into the open. One per room, and all of them being surrounded by an uncanny blue aura.

The aura people began walking towards their respective counterparts, each of them looking exactly the same as the people they were facing with the exception that their eyes were inhumanely yellow. After all ten figures made sure their counterparts would be able to see what they looked like, the scenery began to change in the rooms, and as they kept talking and briefly paused, all of them screamed with delight a single sentence:

"Because I AM You!"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad

Messages In This Thread
RE: Shin Megami Tensei RPG: Digitized Terror. - by DragonMasterX - 07-27-2010, 05:01 AM